When buying a new car, one of the first tasks is to secure car insurance. You may have questions about car insurance requirements, especially when purchasing a new vehicle. The professionals at Paragon Independent Insurance Agency in Plano, TX, can provide the necessary information about car insurance. Here’s what you need to know.
Is Car Insurance Required for Driving?
Most states require car insurance for driving. Many dealerships also require proof of car insurance before you can drive the car off the lot.
Can You Buy a Car Without Car Insurance?
While you might be able to purchase a car without car insurance, you won’t be able to take it home until you’ve provided proof of a car insurance policy. If you’re buying a car with an auto loan, the lender will likely require proof of car insurance before funding the loan.
Typically, auto lenders require proof of full coverage of auto insurance. This type of insurance covers the cost to replace or repair the car in a variety of events, even if you’re at fault in a collision.
Looking for Car Insurance? Contact Us
If you need car insurance, consider working with the professionals at Paragon Independent Insurance Agency in Plano, TX. We collaborate with numerous insurance carriers and can help you find the right car insurance policy for your needs. We’re also happy to answer your questions as you decide between liability only, comprehensive coverage, and full coverage car insurance. Call us today.