When acquiring new home appliances, consider incorporating them into your existing home insurance policy. These tips will help ensure adequate coverage for your latest investments. Don’t hesitate to contact our representatives at Paragon Independent Insurance Agency for assistance updating your personal insurance policy.
Consider the Use Value
Consider the use value of each appliance you’ve recently purchased. Insuring items that you use regularly is a wise choice. Insurance provides coverage for the repair or replacement costs if your appliances become damaged or are stolen.
Account for the Monetary Value
Review the cost of each item you’ve recently purchased. The monetary value of each appliance can allow you to determine the amount of insurance coverage you need for each item. This insurance coverage will cater to the cost of electrical materials and other components necessary for repairing your appliances if they get damaged while under your ownership.
Assess the Appliance Location
Evaluate where you have installed each appliance. The location you choose could influence the amount of insurance necessary. For instance, if you have new laundry machines installed in your basement, consider seeking flood protection. Basements, being the lowest level of your home, are more prone to flooding than other areas.
Contact Us
Any valuable purchase, such as home appliances, should be added to your existing insurance policy. Our dedicated agents serving Plano, TX, can help address any questions or concerns about the appropriate insurance coverage you need, so get in touch today.