As a small business owner, you may think you’re safe from online fraud due to being a “small fish” in the big world of business. Statistics show, however, that small businesses are just as susceptible to cyber crimes as major companies. By taking protective measures, you can safeguard your Plano, TX business against Internet crimes and protect your assets. Here are a few tips to help you get started.
Create Strong Internet Passwords
Strong Internet passwords can boost your online security, making it that much more difficult for hackers to get into your accounts. All your business accounts should have strong passwords to include online banking, email accounts, purchasing accounts, etc.
Tune in to Email Links
Tune in to links that may come with your business emails as they could contain viruses or open the door to cyber attacks. Never click on a link that you have doubts about. Verifying all email links before opening, even those from known associates or friends, could save your business from online attacks.
Encrypt Sensitive Information
Encrypt all sensitive data to protect your business associates and customers from online fraud. This includes Social Security numbers, credit card numbers, health records and personal data. Encrypting sensitive information make it more difficult for hackers to gain unlawful access to customer accounts.
Protect your Business Infrastructure
Invest in the latest firewall, spyware and anti-virus detection programs to protect your data and networks against infiltration by hackers. By doing your part to protect your business infrastructure, you can help prevent online attacks.
Get Cyber Insurance Coverage
Cyber insurance from Paragon Independent Insurance Agency covers your company’s liability for data breaches that can put your customers at risk of cyber crimes. For more information about cyber insurance and the protection it has to offer, contact us at Paragon Independent Insurance Agency in Plano, TX.