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Paragon Independent Insurance Agencies, Inc

6305 Preston Road #1000
Plano, TX 75024

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Is It Time to Update Your Auto Insurance?

When you own a vehicle in Plano, TX, you know that maintenance is vital. That’s why you carry out scheduled maintenance as per your manufacturer’s recommendations. To even up your game, you undertake car mods to ensure that your ride remains in tip-top condition. Unfortunately, many motorists shun the idea of upgrading their auto insurance until something unfortunate happens. If you are wondering when it’s a good time to update your auto insurance, stay on as Paragon Independent Insurance Agency shares tips. 

Here are some situations to signal that you need to review your auto insurance:

  • Teen driver: If you would like your teenage son or daughter to drive your car, you need to adjust your auto insurance. Teenagers carry an added risk when driving. As such, you need proper insurance to protect them. To note is that your teen’s academic performance, completing a defensive online course, and installing anti-theft devices affect your auto insurance rate. 
  • Changing vehicle use: If you want to use your personal vehicle to run commercial errands, you need to update your insurance to commercial auto insurance. Otherwise, your insurer won’t compensate you for accidents that occur when carrying out commercial activities using personal auto insurance. 
  • Moving to a different residence: Change of locality affects your auto insurance rate. Depending on how the accident or theft-prone your area is, your insurance rate can either go up or down. 
  • New vehicle: Suppose you have acquired a new car using a car loan. While your financier might allow you to transfer your current auto insurance, you have to upgrade it to your financier’s requirements. Most likely, your financier would want you to add more coverage options. 

As you can see, there are many reasons to review your auto insurance. If you are unsure whether it’s time to update your auto insurance, please talk to the Paragon Independent Insurance Agency of Plano TX, for more information.

Why would a Plano business want commercial insurance?

A Plano, TX business owner will find that the local market and economy is strong and offers a lot of opportunities to be successful. While this can be a great place to run a business, Plano business owners do need to make sure that they are mitigating business risks as well as they can. A great way that this can be done is by getting a full commercial insurance plan. A business will want to have this coverage for a few reasons. 

Coverage Protects Company Assets

One of the reasons that you will want to have commercial insurance is to ensure that your company’s assets are properly covered. A business will have to own a variety of assets to ensure that it can operate and grow. With a commercial insurance plan, you will have coverage for these assets in case they are stolen or damaged in any type of accident.

Coverage Offers Liability Protection

You will also want to have a commercial insurance plan to ensure that you are covered for liability risk. Businesses of all sizes are going to regularly take on commercial liability risk. As a liability claim can threaten the financial viability of a company, mitigating this risk is important. With commercial insurance, you can receive coverage for this risk. 

In the Plano, TX area, a small business can benefit a lot by having proper insurance coverage. As you are looking for a commercial insurance plan here, you will want to ensure that you are properly covered and protected, and working with Paragon Independent Insurance Agency can help. The team with Paragon Independent Insurance Agency will offer you the support you need to ensure you understand all your options and needs so you can pick a new insurance plan. 

Homeowner Insurance F.A.Q

As a Plano, TX, homeowner, you must have a lot of questions about homeowners insurance. This is expected as your home probably your most valuable investment, and losing it can throw you into financial ruin. Having a good insurer like Paragon Independent Insurance Agency will help alleviate most of your worry as they will be thorough about their offers and your options. Here is an insight into the most common homeowners insurance F.A.Qs. 

Does Homeowners Insurance Protect from Damage Caused by an Insured Driver Ramming into Your Home? 

Though you are not the cause of the damage incurred on your home, most insurers will cover this kind of damage. The damage will be listed as a covered peril, and you can expect compensation not long after you file your claim. If the damage extends to your vehicle, you should also contact your auto insurer. They will guide you on what they need to compensate you for the damage to your vehicle. You can sue the driver of the vehicle to get more financial recourse for your loss. 

What Kind of Water Damage Does Homeowners Insurance Cover? 

Water damage to a home is a pretty common occurrence in Plano, TX. This is likely why you are very curious about what kind of water damage is covered under your homeowner’s insurance policy. You should know that a standard homeowners insurance policy does not cover water damage caused by flooding. In insurance circles, flooding is when water from a water body leaks into your home. Most of the other water damage caused by broken pipes and unclosed water faucets will likely be covered. 

Are You Protected from Lightning Damage? 

Your standard home insurance policy offers protection from damage done to your home by lightning. Some insurers like Paragon Independent Insurance Agency will also cover fires caused by lightning and damage to electronics. You want to get an insurer that offers the most comprehensive home protection under their homeowner’s insurance policy.

If you’ve more questions about home insurance in Plano, TX, reach out to us for answers.

How can auto insurance in Plano protect me?

Those that are in the Plano, TX area will find that owning a car is a practical necessity. Those that do have a car here will be able to get around the entire Dallas TX metro area much more efficiently. While there are plenty of advantages that come with owning a car, there are responsibilities as well. One responsibility that all people have is the need to get auto insurance. This coverage can protect you in many ways. 

Insurance Will Protect Car

One of the reasons that people in Plano should always get a car is that it will provide them with protection for their vehicle. If you have bought a car, you will want to know that you can drive and enjoy it for a long time. With a full auto insurance plan that includes both collision and comprehensive protection, you will know that you are properly covered and protected at all times for many risks that could result in a loss.

Insurance Gives Liability Protection

You will also want to get an auto insurance plan because it will provide you with liability protection. If you decide to drive a car there will always be a chance that you could cause an accident. If this does occur, you will need to pay for any damages that you cause. Fortunately, when you get an auto insurance plan, you are going to receive liability protection to mitigate this risk. 

Getting an auto insurance plan in the Plano, TX area is always a good idea. As you are looking for a new plan here, the Paragon Independent Insurance Agency is a great company to reach out to. When you call Paragon Independent Insurance Agency you can learn a lot about your options and they can help you choose the right policy that meets your needs. 

When Does A Small Business Need Commercial Insurance?

Small businesses come in all sizes in Plano, TX. A business taking in six figures a year may technically be a small business, but so is a business that earns you just a few hundred bucks for groceries here and there. So when are you ready for commercial insurance?

Different businesses have different insurance needs, but it generally comes down to one thing:


The big question here: If something happens, is it going to come out of your pocket?

If you run a small eShop, you may have some protection through the platform you use. If you’re only earning a little extra money on items and services with no major liability concerns, you might not need to worry about it.

But at a certain point, you’ll likely cross a threshold where you have too much at risk to leave your business uninsured, and that’s when you should call Paragon Independent Insurance Agency to see about getting covered.

It’s nice to have your inventory and your equipment covered by commercial insurance, but the main reason you want to be covered is so that you won’t be left paying thousands of dollars in damages out of pocket if someone is injured on your premises or suffers losses that have to do with your product or service.

The question of when you’ve crossed that threshold, that’s a little trickier, and it varies from business to business. Some people like to buy commercial insurance as soon as they can afford it while still turning a profit, but your mileage may vary. So if you have any questions, get in touch with Paragon Independent Insurance Agency to see if your small business in Plano, TX is ready to get protected.

Do I need home insurance in Plano?

The Plano, TX area continues to grow quickly due to the strong local economy and amount of local amenities. If you would like to move to this city, it would be a good idea to purchase a home. When you are going to buy a home in this area of Texas, getting insurance is very important. There are several reasons why you will need to have home insurance for your Plano property. 

Insurance is Required by Lenders

A reason that you will need to have a home insurance plan is that it will be required by a mortgage lender. If you would like to buy a home, you will likely need to finance the purchase with a mortgage. If this is the case for you, it is important that you comply with your mortgage provider’s insurance requirements. In many cases, your lender will require coverage and will have you escrow payments each month to ensure you do not fall behind. 

Insurance Gives Peace of Mind

You will also need to get a home insurance plan because it can provide you with some peace of mind. Owning a home does come with a lot of risks including the risk of fire damage or theft. With insurance, you can mitigate these risks and get comfort knowing you are supported. 

People that are going to move to the Plano, TX area and buy a home need to get a quality insurance plan. When you are looking for an insurance policy in this area of the state, you should call the team at Paragon Independent Insurance Agency. There are many ways that Paragon Independent Insurance Agency can help you. The team is able to help you assess your insurance needs and give you the guidance necessary to choose a policy that protects you and your home. 

I Rear Ended My Other Car, Now What?

It sounds crazy, but it happens: People running into their own cars. If you own more than one vehicle and they’re both covered by the same provider, you might wind up dealing with this situation if you make a careless turn coming into the driveway. So what happens next?

  • If you have a liability-only policy, nothing happens. Your insurer will cover the damages if you hit someone else’s car, but not if you run into your own vehicle.
  • If you have comprehensive and collision, you’re covered. In this instance, it works just like if you ran into a tree or something. Sure, it’s technically your own fault, but that’s what insurance is for. The question is whether it’s worth paying the deductible.
  • If someone is injured, your PIP may cover it. Suppose you get whiplash running into the old truck in the driveway. Your Personal Injury Protection should cover you.
  • If you decide to cover the damages yourself, no problem. You’re only required to report accidents to your insurer when you want to make a claim, or when someone else has suffered losses. If you run into your own car in your driveway, there’s no law against saving yourself the embarrassment and keeping this "just between us." Just tell the mechanic "I don’t want to talk about it" when they ask what happened.

Most accidents in Plano, TX actually happen near the home, so this might not be as weird as it sounds. If you have any questions or you’re looking to get covered, get in touch with Paragon Independent Insurance Agency. Whether you’re covering one car or several, Paragon Independent Insurance Agency can get you the coverage you need.

Common Errors Business Owners Should Avoid While Researching Workers Compensation

Paragon Independent Insurance Agency offers coverage to the Plano, TX community, as well as the surrounding areas. We help our clients find the coverage they need to avoid a significant loss. We have working relationships with multiple carriers throughout Texas.

Errors To Avoid While Researching Workers Compensation

As a Plano, TX business owner, it’s important that you take care of your investment. Commercial insurance helps alleviate some of the stress involved with operating your business on a day-to-day basis. The policy covers any property or inventory damage. You are also covered if your business suffers an emergency and has to cease operations for a few days. Liability coverage is also important. If one of your customers suffers an accidental injury while visiting your business, liability coverage protects you from potentially having serious losses. Another important part of your liability coverage is workers’ compensation. Worker’s compensation protects your business and your employees if there is an employee injury in the workplace. While you are figuring out which type of worker’s compensation policy is the right fit for your business, avoid some of these common errors.

Failing To Thoroughly Research The Policy

Keep in mind that worker’s compensation policies cover more than just your employee’s injuries. The policy also covers your employee’s rehabilitation as they prepare to re-enter the workforce.

Additional Insured

Many businesses make the mistake of trying to put additional insured coverage on their worker’s compensation policies. Additional insured is a better fit for traditional liability coverage. You cannot put additional insured on your worker’s compensation policy because you are seeking to directly cover your employees if they get injured on the job.

Paragon Independent Insurance Agency Will Help You Protect Your Business

Visit our website today to learn more information about commercial insurance.

Should I get home insurance in Plano?

People that are in the Plano, TX area are going to have many different personal insurance requirements. For those that are property owners, one important form of coverage to get is home insurance. This type of coverage is ideal for anyone that is going to buy a property and invest in their future. There are a few reasons why you should get this coverage. 

Insurance is Needed to Remain in Compliance

A reason that you should get home insurance coverage when you are in Plano is that it is needed to remain in compliance. If you are going to buy a home you likely will be required by your mortgage lender and by any home association that you are affiliated with to carry insurance. If you neglect this coverage, it could put you into violation of various agreements.

Insurance Offers Protection

There are some people that will not have specific home insurance requirements. However, it still continues to be a great investment to make. With home insurance, you are going to get the coverage that is needed to repair or rebuild your home if it is damaged. Further, you will get personal liability protection. This could prove to be helpful if your home is damaged or you are named in a liability claim due to an accident in your home.

Plano, TX will continue to be a great place to invest in your own property. If you would like to buy a home here and are interested in obtaining new insurance, you should call Paragon Independent Insurance Agency. The team with Paragon Independent Insurance Agency knows that this coverage can come with complexities. They can help you by answering any of your questions and building a policy for you that will offer the ideal protection for your situation. 

Does your auto insurance cover you in a rental vehicle

It happens to almost everyone, you need to drive a rental car. They are going to be asking you a lot of questions either in person or online. More than one of the questions will have to do with insurance. The good news is if you are online you have time to do your research before you make the final decision. At Paragon Independent Insurance Agency Plano, TX, we have more than 50 years of combined experience. The entire team places the needs of our customers first and does everything possible to meet their needs. 

There is no one simple answer to the question "Does your auto insurance cover you in a rental vehicle". The only answer is maybe. A lot will depend on who your carrier is and the type of insurance that you have on your vehicle. You have liability insurance on your auto policy and that will cover you even in your rental vehicle. But the other coverage is not so cut and dry. Be sure to read your policy and if you have questions, call your insurance professional and get the low down. What you need to consider if you have comprehensive and collision coverage is the value of your personal car versus the value of the rental vehicle. 

The rental company will offer you a variety of coverage options. One of them will be liability coverage. As long as you are comfortable with the amount of liability protection you have on your personal vehicle you can decline that coverage. If you don’t have collision and comprehensive coverage the collision damage waiver that the rental company provides will give you that protection. If you have home or renters insurance you can refuse the personal effects coverage. 

Contact Paragon Independent Insurance Agency in Plano, TX when you have questions about your auto coverage. 



  • Allstate
  • ASI
  • charity first
  • Chubb
  • Dairyland
  • Encompass
  • Foremost
  • Geico
  • Hagerty
  • Kemper
  • liberty mutual
  • national general
  • Philadelphia
  • Progressive
  • Safeco
  • Texas Mutual
  • TWIA-Texas Windstorn
  • the hartford
  • Travelers
  • US Assure

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