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Paragon Independent Insurance Agencies, Inc

6305 Preston Road #1000
Plano, TX 75024

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When basic auto insurance is not enough in Plano, TX

In Plano, TX drivers are required to have basic liability insurance. The dollar amount is $30,000 per person with $60,000 total for each accident. The coverage also must include $25,000 for damage to property. This is known as 30/65/25 coverage. For some people, having basic coverage may be just what is needed to protect them but when basic auto insurance is not enough you may want to talk to Paragon Independent Insurance Agency about the other auto insurance options that are available.  

If you have any assets, having basic auto insurance just may not be enough. Basic liability insurance does not offer enough protection if you own a home, condo or just about any other assets. You may want to consider upping the limits and even getting an umbrella policy. If your car has a loan or is relatively new you may want to have some other coverage as well. If you have a car loan, your lender may require that you have more than basic coverage. 


If your car is damaged and you are at fault then it will fall to you to make the repairs or replace your car if it is beyond repair. If this would be a hardship, collision insurance offers the protection that you need. 


Comprehensive insurance is non-collision coverage. It includes theft of the vehicle and glass coverage as well as other things that are beyond your control suck as tree limbs falling on your vehicle. 

When basic auto insurance is not enough and you live in or near Plano, TX you are lucky to have the knowledgable agents at the Paragon Independent Insurance Agency to turn to for any information that you need. Why not stop by or give the office a call and get a no-obligation quote for whatever auto insurance that you need. 

Does Home Automation Play a Role in Home Security?

The agents at Paragon Independent Insurance Agency serve residents in Plano, TX and many of the surrounding communities. With more and more of their customers installing home security systems with home automation features, they are able to provide valuable tips on how to use their smart appliances and devices to further protect their homes and families.

Timers for Lights and Appliances

Using timers for lights and appliances means that your home is well-lit when it needs to be. This includes turning on outside security lights and making sure your home looks occupied even when it’s not. It also ensures that you never come home to a dark house.

Manage Your System from Anywhere

When home automation platforms integrate with your home security system, you can control many of the devices in your home through a mobile app on your home. This includes turning on lights as you pull in the drive so you don’t have to walk through a dark kitchen to the light switch. You can also check your locks and make sure your home is secure by watching video cameras. Video doorbell viewers and some of the more advanced camera systems allow you to communicate directly with people in your home or on your porch.

In Plano, TX, you can combine your home security system with a home automation platform for an added level of security. Call the agents of Paragon Independent Insurance Agency today to find out what the advantages are. They can answer all of your questions and discuss all of the options available to you. Schedule a consultation today and find out how you can better protect your home and family.

Choosing The Right Auto Insurance For Your Family

Finding the right auto insurance for you and your family in Plano, TX is of the utmost importance. It goes far beyond meeting the state minimums. Everyone situations are different, which is why you can depend on Paragon Independent Insurance Agency to assist you every step of the way.

Who will be covered?

One of the first things you need to look at is who will be covered on the auto insurance policy. You can save a lot of money by placing all of the drivers on a single policy as opposed to paying for individual policies. If you have teens, regardless of whether they have their own vehicle or not, they are likely going to be driving one of your vehicles. This means that they should be placed on the policy, too, providing them with coverage when they are out on the roads.

Additional Coverage

It’s important to explore the various types of coverage. Although Texas requires you to have minimum liability levels, you may decide to increase the coverage in order to have more protection. This way, you can reduce the likelihood of having to pay out of pocket.

Additionally, you may want to explore some of the other coverage that isn’t required by the state. This includes comprehensive and collision coverage. In the event that you are involved in an accident, you can turn to your insurance to cover everything from a cracked windshield to a hit-and-run. Rental car coverage, uninsured motorist coverage, and more can be added to your policy as well. This way, the only thing you would have to pay would be the insurance premium – and even that is an amount that you can control when you buy a policy.

Let us help you find the right auto insurance for you in Plano, TX. Contact us at Paragon Independent Insurance Agency today to get personalized assistance.

Will a Home Security System Lower My Home Insurance Premium?

A home insurance company wants to know that you’re doing everything you possibly can to take care of your property, which is why many will offer some type of discount according to the level of protection you have for your home. Each insurance carrier has their own ideas about how much of a discount each client should be given and why. However, if you live in Plano, TX, Paragon Independent Insurance Agency can give you the basics if you’re looking for a way to control how much you pay every month. 

Intruder Alarm Systems

When it comes to burglaries, some homes are statistically more likely to be broken into than others. And yet, it’s always a good idea for people to have some degree of security on their property system. Some people take their own precautions, like installing motion sensor lights in the darker corners of their backyard. A home insurance company will want to see that you’ve taken a strong interest in keeping your property safe, so it may make sense to spring for a wired alarm system connected to a private security company (who doesn’t have to compete with the police if something does go wrong). 

Disaster Sensors 

Smart smoke alarms, carbon monoxide detectors, water sensors: there are plenty of devices a homeowner can purchase for a home in Plano, TX that will help them prevent serious damage in the case of a disaster. This technology can alert a homeowner immediately of danger on their smartphone or tablet, making it more likely help will arrive in time. If you want to learn how to make your home safer and potentially bring down your premium, call Paragon Independent Insurance Agency today. We’ll give you all the facts if you’re in the market for a security system.

Commercial Insurance: What it will and won’t cover

A commercial insurance plan is generally going to cover your Plano, TX business on three fronts: Property, liability and workers’ compensation.

Liability is the big one. A business, even a small business, is at special risk for litigation resulting from injuries and damages sustained on the business’s property, or sustained in relation to a business’s product or service. The cost of a lawsuit can sink a thriving business, so liability is going to be the backbone of your insurance plan.

Property insurance works like your homeowners policy: If your property suffers damage resulting from natural disaster, break-in, vandalism and etcetera, property insurance will cover it. Like your homeowners policy, it might not cover flooding, so you’ll want to read your plan over thoroughly to make sure that you know what is and isn’t covered on your basic property policy.

Workers’ compensation will keep your employees covered in the event of injury or circumstance leaving them unable to show up for work. It is not a legal requirement in Plano, TX, but can be a tie-breaker between two employers if you’re trying to recruit the best people for your company. Property and liability provide you with peace of mind, workers’ compensation provides your employees with peace of mind.

Anything you don’t see covered above, a basic commercial plan probably isn’t going to cover. This should be enough for most companies, but different industries have different insurance needs, so you may want to consider buying additional insurance to supplement your commercial plan and ensure complete coverage.

If you’re still shopping around for a great plan, or you want to see if someone can outdo your current provider, get in touch with Paragon Independent Insurance Agency and let’s see what we can do for you.

Does my small business need commercial insurance

As a small business owner in Plano, TX, you have many things to worry about. One of them doesn’t need to be whether or not your small business needs commercial insurance. As a small business owner, you may feel that you are alone with your concerns but in 2012,  98.2% of businesses in Texas were classified as small businesses by the Small Business administration, so you have lots of company. With the knowledgeable staff at Paragon Independent Insurance Agency waiting to help you, any questions you have can be quickly and easily answered.  

Before you know if you need commercial insurance you need to know a few of the things that it can protect you from. 

Worker’s Compensation

Texas law does not require business owners to carry worker’s compensation insurance however, many employers find that it makes finding and retaining employees easier if they know they are protected.  

Employment practices liability insurance

When you have employees there is the possibility that you end up being sued by a former employee for harassment or wrongful termination. Having insurance that can pay for legal expenses or any judgment against you can be a lifesaver. 

General liability

Things happen and if someone is hurt on your premises or by one of your products, this coverage provides liability protection. 

Building coverage

 In the event that your building location is damaged this coverage will help you to get the damage repaired. 

Business interruption

If the unthinkable happens and your business is so damaged that you can’t operate for a time, this coverage will get you through with income for yourself so that the bills can get paid. 

If any of this sounds good to you as a small business owner in Plano, TX, Paragon Independent Insurance Agency has the experience to help you make an informed decision.  Visit our website, give us a call or stop by for a no-obligation quote. 

Does Auto Insurance Cover Hopsitalization?

Being hospitalized after an automobile accident is a terrible thing, the pain, the suffering, and the costs that are associated with it are often crippling. That being said, insurance is in place to help soften the blow of this type of expense. For those that live in the Plano, TX area, the agents with Paragon Independent Insurance Agency can help you find a policy that works for you.

For the most part, your auto insurance is going to pay for part of your bills and expenditures that are associated with an accident. For the most part, however, your auto insurance is only going to cover you up to a certain monetary value then your health insurance takes over. A great example in cases where you have to enter the hospital. Your auto policy will pay a sum of money toward your car then when that money runs out, your health insurance steps in to help continue your care and get you back in good shape. This is going to help make it possible to make sure you are covered by some sort of insurance and that you are not required to cover the entire cost of your recovery and medical care.

In most cases, your auto insurance is going to have a set number or liability that it will pay, say $10,000 for instance, and anything beyond that is going to be run through your health insurance to determine what your portion of the bill is after that. This is just to help keep costs low and to make sure that an auto insurance company is not going to have to pay for all your medical bills even though you have a health insurance policy. For those in the Plano, TX area, the agents with Paragon Independent Insurance Agency can help.  

Why Do I Need Home Insurance If I No Longer Have a Mortgage?

When you had a mortgage on your home, protecting it with home insurance probably seemed like a good idea…it may have even been required by your lender.  Now that you have paid it off, it may be tempting to let that coverage go.  But consider what you would do if something happened that damaged or destroyed your home.  Home insurance policies protect you financially in many ways.  Leaving yourself vulnerable without coverage can mean financial ruin should a disaster occur.  The team at Paragon Independent Insurance Agency work with homeowners in the Plano, TX area.  They understand your concerns and will work to get you quality coverage for the best price. 

Home insurance protects the home, structures on the property and personal possessions.  If someone is injured on the property, the liability policy provides protection.  Most policies cover a wide range of events such as fire, weather, and theft.  Your agent can help you understand what is covered and what isn’t.  For instance, water damage from faulty plumbing might be covered while water damage from a flood won’t be. 

Home policies cover personal items such as clothing, furniture, electronics, and jewelry.  It will also cover plants on the property with a few exceptions.  If you have highly valuable collections such as firearms, jewelry or artwork, you need to talk with your agent to ensure that you are covered.  Also, if after a disaster, the house is uninhabitable, the policy will pay for your additional expenses (hotel, restaurants) until repairs are made.  The team at Paragon Independent Insurance Agency know the issues that homeowners in the Plano, TX area face.  Don’t risk the investment you’ve made in your home, visit their website then call or come in today!

Time to Upgrade Auto Insurance

Many people benefit from getting an auto insurance review, which is an easy way to make sure their insurance is adequate. It is important to inform your agent at Paragon Independent Insurance Agency, serving Plano, TX and the surrounding area, if certain things occur, so that the proper adjustments may be made to your auto insurance policy.

Auto Insurance Review Checklist

Here is a quick checklist of some things that warrant a review and may require auto insurance adjustments:

  • Moving to a new place.
  • Changing how a vehicle is parked (in a garage vs. outdoor, in the driveway, or on the street).
  • Changes in authorized drivers, such as a teenager in the family starting to drive.
  • Custom work is done on the vehicle that increases the value.
  • A trailer hitch is added to the bumper to pull a trailer (get trailer insurance coverage also).
  • Getting a new paint job.
  • Adding expensive chrome wheels.
  • Installing a car stereo and speakers.
  • Adding a car alarm and/or an anti-theft device.
  • Using a vehicle for a new purpose, such as a carpool, ride-sharing, or delivery services.
  • Driving more than the mileage driven the year before.
  • Changing commute time and distance, due to a change in employment.
  • Letting another person use the car for more than occasional casual use.
  • Change of the lien holder for the auto loan.
  • Getting married.
  • Selling the vehicle.
  • The vehicle is taken out of service temporarily or permanently. For example, going on a military tour overseas and leaving a vehicle behind in storage.


This checklist includes some of the most common things that happen, which usually create the need for auto insurance adjustments. It is wise to have an annual auto insurance review by talking with your agent. Additionally, make adjustments on a regular basis for the value of the vehicle and how it is being driven, parked, and used.

Contact your agent at Paragon Independent Insurance Agency in Plano, TX by email or by using the convenient online form to get a quote for auto insurance.

Common home insurance riders you may want to add

Home insurance riders, also known as endorsements, are additional insurance that you add above and beyond the limits and exclusions of your basic home policy. They come at an additional cost so you only want to add ones that make sense in your particular situation. You can discuss these and many other home insurance issues with the agents at Paragon Independent Insurance Agency in Plano, TX. With their more than 50 combined years of experience, they have the knowledge that you need to make an informed decision.


One of the most common riders is for coverage of your jewelry. Typically home insurance may cover as little as $1000 worth of jewelry total. If you have an engagement diamond or a high-end watch, this basic coverage is just not going to cut it. It helps if you have an appraisal of your more valuable items when you go to purchase the additional endorsement.

Antiques and Collectibles

This includes everything from your baseball card collection to coins and first editions.  You will need to know the value of your collection in order to be sure that your coverage is adequate for what you have. Again an appraisal is important when coming up with the true value of the items you want to insure.


Home insurance policies almost always exclude earthquake coverage. You can, however, purchase the coverage as a rider and it will cover your home, garage and other buildings on your property and your personal property that may be lost or damaged.

Identity Theft

While nothing can prevent identity theft from happening, once it has happened trying to get it resolved can be an expensive and frustrating thing to go through. Check with your policy issuer to see what sort of coverage they can provide.

Making sure that you have all the riders that you need on your home insurance requires the knowledge that the agents at Paragon Independent Insurance Agency in Plano, TX have. Give their office a call to schedule your appointment today.



  • Allstate
  • ASI
  • charity first
  • Chubb
  • Dairyland
  • Encompass
  • Foremost
  • Geico
  • Hagerty
  • Kemper
  • liberty mutual
  • national general
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  • Progressive
  • Safeco
  • Texas Mutual
  • TWIA-Texas Windstorn
  • the hartford
  • Travelers
  • US Assure

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