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Paragon Independent Insurance Agencies, Inc

6305 Preston Road #1000
Plano, TX 75024

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Insurance Regulations for Commercial Trucks

For commercial truck drivers in the Plano, TX area, insurance is one of the most critical parts of running a successful business. Without proper coverage, an accident with a commercial truck can have dire consequences for your company. The agents of Pargon Independent Insurance Agency are available to help you meet all of the Texas state requirements for commercial truck insurance.

 Commercial Insurance Liability Rules

In all states, including Texas, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration requires a minimum amount of liability insurance coverage for commercial trucks. The required liability insurance will cover damages related to an accident caused by the truck driver. Payouts to the victim may cover repair costs and medical expenses. The weight and load of the commercial truck determine the amount of required liability insurance. As an example, commercial trucks over 10,001 pounds need a minimum of $750,000 in liability insurance due to federal regulations. However, in many cases, Texas requires companies to carry an additional $250,000 in coverage. Federal and state regulations can change year to year and minimum amounts are always subject to fluctuations.

Special Considerations for Truck Commercial Insurance in Plano, TX

Trucks transporting hazardous materials will need extra insurance coverage on vehicles. In Texas, companies have a requirement of $5 million in liability coverage for vehicles carrying hazardous or explosive materials. Texas will also change coverage limits and form requirements based on where the truck will be used. Commercial trucks traveling out of state must work with a trusted insurance agent to get just the right amount of required coverage. An agent will also assist you with getting the correct forms submitted to prove your commercial truck is properly insured. The required Department of Transportation forms in Texas may include BMC-99, Form H, Form E, and MCS-98.

Contact any of the agents from Paragon Independent Insurance Agency today to ensure you get the right amount of coverage for your commercial truck.


Protect Your Assets with Commercial Insurance in Plano, TX

Do you own a business in Plano, TX? If so, good for you. This is a great place to be a small business owner. However, have you taken the necessary steps to ensure your business is protected? The fact is, there are many issues and tragedies that could occur, which is why having commercial insurance is so important.

Do you own a business, but have yet to purchase this coverage? If so, now is the time to consider it. You can utilize the services at Paragon Independent Insurance Agency, and the tips here, to get the protection you need for a price you can afford.

1. What to Consider When Buying Commercial Insurance?

When you are ready to purchase commercial insurance, you need to figure out what you need and how much you need. There are many different types of commercial insurance to purchase. For example, general liability insurance and workman’s compensation insurance are two types that all business owners need. However, if your workers use a fleet of company vehicles, for instance, you may also need to purchase a commercial auto insurance policy. Be sure to review all of your assets to determine the type of commercial coverage that you need.

2. Buy Smart

When it is time to purchase one or more commercial insurance policies, be sure to be smart about it. Compare prices and policies and work with a reputable agent. This will help ensure you get the coverage you need for a price you can afford.

If you are ready to purchase commercial insurance coverage in Plano, TX, reach out to the professionals at Paragon Independent Insurance Agency. They will help you determine the exact coverage you need and help you stick within your budget.

Keeping Your Dryer Vent Clean and Safe

Your dryer is an important appliance in your home, but it does need to be maintained properly in order to keep working efficiently and safely. Here are some tips on that from Paragon Independent Insurance Agency serving the Plano, TX area.

Cleaning the lint tray

Remove all lint from the dryer’s lint area every time you run the dryer, even if there is just a small amount of lint in there. It only takes a moment but makes a big difference. There will likely be more lint when you are washing certain items, such as new towels and blankets. Also make sure you clean around the dryer area, such as on the floor, because dust and lint can accumulate there and become a safety hazard.

Cleaning the dryer vent

Periodically do a more thorough cleaning of your dryer vent using specifically designed tools that can get further into the dryer vent. It will not take much time to do this and will be a worthwhile task.

Maintaining the dryer vent

Occasionally hire a professional who can perform a cleaning of your dryer vent. You will not have to do that very often, but it will be worth it as you make the effort to keep your dryer vent clean and safe. It is definitely an affordable investment in keeping your dryer running smoothly and safely.

Properly maintaining and cleaning the dryer vent provides numerous benefits, including improving home safety and helping an important appliance to function at its full potential. Write these tasks on your "to do" list or calendar, and make sure to do them as needed. If you need more tips about home safety or need assistance with home insurance, feel free to contact Paragon Independent Insurance Agency serving the Plano, TX area.

Three common types of auto insurance and what you need for quote.

Auto insurance policies are usually made up of various different types of coverage, every one coming along with its unique premiums and benefits. For consumers to come up with the best quality policy package and quote, it’s always important to have an idea of what is being offered, as motorists have several different coverage amounts for the different components that they can always select from. If you reside in Plano, TX Paragon Independent Insurance Agency will cater for all your auto insurance needs, from purchasing to renewal!

The following review provides a list of the most common auto insurance types and what you need for a quote.

Auto Liability Insurance.

Also known as financial responsibility insurance, the Texas auto liability insurance is the least auto insurance coverage type required of all Texas drivers. In the event of an accident that deems you responsible for injury to another person or destruction of their property, auto liability insurance helps protect your assets. However, it doesn’t pay for the repair or replacement of your car or for your injuries.

Physical Damage Auto Insurance.

Coming in two types, the physical damage auto insurance encompasses collision and comprehensive coverage, with your lender requiring you to carry both if you still owe money on your vehicle. Moreover, even if you no longer owe on your car, collision and comprehensive auto insurance would still suffice in order to protect the value of your car.

Regardless of who is at fault, collision insurance covers the damage cost to your car as a result of an accident. On the other hand, comprehensive insurance caters for the cost of auto damage from other causes such as vandalism, storms, floods, and theft.

No Fault/Personal Injury Auto Insurance Protection (PIP).

In the unfortunate event of an accident, the Personal Injury Protection insurance coverage helps protect you together with your passengers. PIP helps cover medical care, lost income and replacement services for injured parties. The medical payment insurance will, however, cater for the cost of medical, hospital or funeral expenses as a result of an accident for you, together with any passengers in your car.

Familiarizing with the different types of auto insurance coverages can help you in deciding what insurance to purchase as well as help you in navigating the insurance system in the event of an accident. Serving the greater area of Plano, TX, Paragon Independent Insurance Agency will make your purchase of auto insurance a breeze. Insure with us today for we have a wide variety of affordable insurance quotes and rates to choose from. For more inquiries, be sure to always contact us for more details, as we’re only a call away!


Why You Need Commercial Property Insurance

Commercial property insurance in Plano, TX will protect your company’s physical assets from fire, burst pipes, theft, vandalism, storms, and explosions. Typically, earthquakes and floods are not covered.

Commercial property insurance in Plano, TX does more than just protect your building, so it’s important insurance to have. Some of the things this insurance protects include computers, furniture and equipment, landscaping, important documents, inventory, exterior signs, and others’ property. Just think about how expensive it can be to have to replace all your business equipment and your inventory. This shows how important this insurance is for any business. In order to determine how much coverage you need, keep an inventory of your business assets and get enough coverage to protect them. Keeping this list of business assets will help you in the event you do need to file a claim.

Depending on your policy, there may also be covered for business assets when they are being used at off-premise locations. This can include an employee taking a company computer on a trip and the device is stolen. Speak with an agent at Paragon Independent Insurance Agency to determine if you have this type of coverage.

One of the other important aspects of a property policy is protection against loss of income or revenue for property loss. There are provisions that will provide net income and continued expenses during the period where you are rebuilding after a loss. For example, if your business has to shut down for two weeks while you rebuild because of a fire, your policy could reimburse you for some of the lost earnings for those weeks.

Even though commercial property insurance covers a lot of things, it does not cover any liability and you will still need liability coverage in addition to this policy.

Contact an agent Paragon Independent Insurance Agency to get a quote on commercial property insurance.


Who Pays for the Damage When Your Neighbor’s Tree Falls on Your House?

Like so many insurable situations, the answer is, it depends. There are many different scenarios where you would be liable to cover the damage and some where the responsibility would fall to your neighbor. If you are concerned that your home insurance policy does not provide an adequate amount of coverage, or there are gaps in coverage of damage from certain events, contact the team at Paragon Independent Insurance Agency. We are here to meet the insurance needs of our friends and neighbors in the greater Plano, TX and would welcome the opportunity to work with you too!

When a Tree Falls…

There a few different scenarios when a fallen tree can cause damage to your home:

  • Lightning strike
  • Windstorm
  • A diseased or dead tree is uprooted
  • A mishap occurs during tree removal

If your tree or one that is rooted in your neighbor’s yard is uprooting during a storm or other natural disaster, the insurance policy of the owner of the damaged property will likely cover the event. If the uprooted tree that causes damage that is a result of human error, the owner of the tree will be responsible. For example, if you have a dead or dying tree in your yard and neglect to have it removed, you will be responsible for any damage that it causes. Or if your neighbor’s tree falls onto your house during a storm, you will also be responsible.

Are you concerned about tree damage occurring to your home, or do you want to make sure that your home policy will provide coverage for damage caused to your home by acts of nature? Call or stop by Paragon Independent Insurance Agency today to make sure that your Plano, TX area home has the protection it needs!

How to Compare Auto Insurance?

When it comes to shopping for auto insurance, it is very important that you first assess your needs. This will help ensure you are able to purchase a policy that provides the type of coverage you require. For many people, though, it can sometimes be a hassle trying to find the best policy. Fortunately, here at the Paragon Independent Insurance Agency serving Plano, TX, we’ve taken the time to outline two tips for making sure you know how to effectively compare auto insurance. 

Start With Your Friends and Family

One of the best ways to shop for auto insurance is to ask your friends and family for their recommendations. You will likely find they can point you in the right direction and help you pinpoint a policy that truly meets all of your needs. Even better, they can explain their policy and help you choose which level of coverage you need. Many times, your friends and family will be able to direct you to both local and national insurance companies, which gives a good chance of being able to compare policies from a wide range of providers. 

Use the Internet

You can also turn to online resources to help you compare auto insurance. There are many resources that make it easily possible to compare different levels of coverage from different providers, which helps you narrow down a long list of possible policies that can best meet your needs. You’ll also be able to read through reviews of existing customers to see which providers are providing the best customer service. This is especially important because you want to choose an insurance provider that providers superior customer service around the clock. 

To learn more about comparing auto insurance, contact the Paragon Independent Insurance Agency serving Plano, TX.

How to Be a Smart Business Owner

Owning your own business can be one of the most exciting things you ever do. Not only do you get to be your own boss, but you get to take advantage of doing something you have a passion for while making money from it. Take for example you are a chef and you open your own restaurant. Getting paid to cook is something that will bring a lot of delight to your life. As a business owner, though, it is imperative that you take certain steps to make sure you are doing everything you can to protect your company. For now, the Paragon Independent Insurance Agency serving Plano, TX would like to share two tips with you about being a smart business owner. 

Invest in Commercial Insurance

One of the smartest things you can do as a business owner is to invest in commercial insurance. This type of insurance provides various forms of coverages that will protect you from libel, slander, property damage, and more. The best way to customize your commercial insurance policy to best meet your needs is to speak with a qualified insurance agent who has experience in selling commercial insurance policies. 

Set a Budget and Stick to It

It will also help you to be a smart business owner by creating a budget and sticking to it. As part of the budget, you will want to devote a certain percentage of your profits to go to a savings account. This savings account can be used to dip into on an as-needed basis during the months that you don’t churn much of a profit and you need to purchase supplies or provide monies for labor and wages to your employees.

To learn more about the benefits of commercial insurance, contact the Paragon Independent Insurance Agency serving Plano, TX today.

Should I Get Home Insurance?

Buying a home is likely the biggest purchase you will ever make. Since your property will be an extremely valuable asset the rest of your life, you need to make sure that you are properly protected in the event it is damaged or destroyed by an unforeseen casualty. One of the best ways to do this is by purchasing a quality home insurance policy. There are several reasons why you should get a home insurance policy before buying a property.

Protects Your Valuable Assets

The most important reason why you need to have a home insurance policy in place is that it will protect your valuable asset. Nothing could be more devastating than losing your home or personal assets due to a fire, weather, or other calamities. While this will be stressful and devastating, home insurance will at least be able to ensure you are able to replace these items.

Liability Coverage

You are also taking on a lot of liability whenever you have someone that comes to your home. Due to the risks that are present with this type of liability, you should look for ways to mitigate the concern. When you have a home insurance policy in place, you will be able to mitigate this concern through the use of a liability insurance coverage policy. This will ensure you have financial and professional support in the event you are sued by someone that was injured in your home.

When you are looking to buy a home in the Plano, TX area, you should make sure to spend time with the Paragon Independent Insurance Agency to discuss your home insurance needs. The Paragon Independent Insurance Agency will be able to carefully assess your personal situation and review information about your property to make sure you get the right policy for your personal situation. 

Do I Need a Full Auto Insurance Policy?

When you drive a car in the Plano, TX area, you will find that you will need to carry auto insurance coverage on your vehicle at all times. However, the state generally only requires that you carry liability coverage on your vehicle. While Plano TX car owners will only be required by law to carry liability coverage, many would still benefit greatly from carrying a full policy that includes both collision and comprehensive coverage. In fact, there are several situations in which you will need to have a full auto insurance policy in place.

When You Have an Expensive Car

One situation in which you will want to have an auto insurance policy that provides full coverage is when you have an expensive car. Buying a car is always a very big purchase that needs to be properly insured. If you have a car that was expensive and difficult to replace in cash, you need to make sure that you have coverage necessary to do so. 

Auto Loan

Most drivers today obtain financing when they buy a new or used car. If you do have a loan on your car, you will be required under the loan documents to properly insure the vehicle. This will assure the lender that they can be paid off if the car is stolen or damaged.

When you are evaluating your auto insurance needs, you should reach out to the Paragon Independent Insurance Agency. When you meet with the Paragon Independent Insurance Agency, you will receive far more insight into what type of insurance options are out there, which ones might be right for you, and what your requirements are. For those that are in the Plano, TX area, this can be very helpful when it comes time to pick your next policy. 



  • Allstate
  • ASI
  • charity first
  • Chubb
  • Dairyland
  • Encompass
  • Foremost
  • Geico
  • Hagerty
  • Kemper
  • liberty mutual
  • national general
  • Philadelphia
  • Progressive
  • Safeco
  • Texas Mutual
  • TWIA-Texas Windstorn
  • the hartford
  • Travelers
  • US Assure

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