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Paragon Independent Insurance Agencies, Inc

6305 Preston Road #1000
Plano, TX 75024

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What Kind of Commercial Insurance Do You Need for an Online Business?

Online businesses in Plano, TX still need commercial insurance, but these types of businesses operate differently than others. This is why the needs are a bit different for online businesses. An agent at Paragon Independent Insurance Agency can help you determine your insurance needs.

Every business should have general liability insurance, which will protect them from a number of different damages and defenses. However, this won’t cover everything.

The type of insurance that you need will be dependent on what your online business does. If you sell products, you need liability insurance in case someone gets injured while using your product. This can cover someone that has an allergic reaction to the material used, or if someone chokes on a toy.

For eCommerce businesses that sell physical products and have fulfillment warehouses, consider transit or inland marine insurance. This will help protect inventory when it is shipped in large batches. Not every business needs this, it just depends on how you operate with your product.

Your online business may be run at home and you will need a policy that protects the equipment needed to operate your business. You will need to be protected for what is not covered under your homeowner’s insurance.

If your online business doesn’t sell any products and instead if based off of services you provide, consider professional liability insurance or errors and omissions insurance, which will provide defense and damages if you fail to provide those services. General liability will not provide this type of coverage.

For a business that stores any sensitive information on client’s, data breach insurance will provide protection against this type of loss. This is useful for online businesses that likely have credit card information stored from purchases.

Even online businesses will still need workers compensation insurance if they have employees. This will cover wage replacement and medical benefits if employees are injured on the job. Even if they aren’t likely to be injured on the job, it can provide a lot of protection.

Contact Paragon Independent Insurance Agency serving Plano, TX to get a quote on commercial insurance.

Do Not Let Your Home Insurance Lapse in 2018

There are many things we all forget in day to day life. Sometimes forgetting something has farther reaching consequences than just having to run back to the store for a gallon of milk. For example allowing a home insurance lapse can mean leaving your biggest asset unprotected, but don’t fret because Paragon Independent Insurance Agency protects homes in and around Plano, TX and a solution can be found after a lapse.  

The first thing you should do if you discover that your insurance lapsed for any reason is call your insurance agent and find out how to fix the situation. Depending on the cause of the cancellation, it may be very simple to reinstate coverage. It is important to keep coverage on your home because you never know when disaster can strike and your home base should always be safe. 

Possible Causes of a Home Insurance Lapse in Coverage

  • The most common cause is forgetting to make payments each month, this can often be remedied by making the payment as soon as you remember and contacting your agent. 

  • Changes to your property that are not covered by your current insurance policy. To fix this contact your agent and discuss changes that need to be made to your policy that reflect the changes to the property. 

  • Misrepresentation or even fraud are sometimes the cause of cancellation, in these cases, the client typically is not interested in reinstatement. 

If it is time to renew your current home insurance, if you have a lapse, or if you are purchasing home insurance for the first time, contact Paragon Independent Insurance Agency. We protect homes in Plano, TX and the surrounding areas. 



Reasons a Home Insurance Claim Can Be Denied

The main purpose of home insurance is to pay for losses when a disaster strikes, thereby helping the residents of Plano, TX and the surrounding areas recover from such risks. But you’ll find quite a number who have complaints about their claims being denied. Sometimes it’s difficult to understand how home insurance works and what it covers. Talk to an agent at Paragon Independent Insurance Agency to help you understand what is or what isn’t covered by your policy. Before you judge the insurance companies, here are some of the reasons your home insurance claim can be denied:
Property’s Condition: The insurance company can use PropertyPredictR to estimate the risk for claims. Damages caused due to the poor condition of the home such as poor maintenance are not covered.
Exclusion Clause: Insurance policies have exclusions clauses that show what the insurance company won’t cover. Such exclusions include flood and earthquakes. You need an additional policy to cover such risks.
Insufficient Coverage: Home insurance covers your risks but to a certain extent, so before you make a claim, make sure it’s within the coverage limit. If you make a higher claim, then the whole claim may be denied.
Covered risks: Not all perils are covered by home insurance. This is a common misconception about home insurance; therefore, understand what risks are covered in your policy before making a claim.
False Information: If you have given false or exaggerated information in your application, your claim could be denied. Plus, you might get sued.
Negligence: If an accident is caused due to negligence, the insurance company may deny your claim. 
Make sure you pay your premiums on time, maintain your property to minimize risks, and have enough coverage. At Paragon Independent Insurance Agency, we offer affordable and reliable home insurance policies for your Plano, TX home. For any questions, contact us today.

5 Home Maintenance Tips for Spring

Winter is finally at an end, and the warm air of spring is in the air.  Spring is here in the Plano, TX area, and it’s time to do those spring maintenance chores.  Here are 5 tips to help get you going on your home’s maintenance.

  • Examine your roof shingles for any damage over the winter.  Look for shingles that are cracked, loose, buckled, or missing granules because they will need to be replaced.  Check the flashing around skylights, chimneys, and plumbing vents.
  • Test the wood trim around the outside of windows, railings, doors, and decks with a screwdriver or other similar tool for damage or rotting and repair any areas before the spring rains lead to more damage.
  • Clean the rain gutters of debris from the winter and check for leaks or damage that can prevent proper drainage. Make sure drain spouts are clean and direct water away from the home’s foundation.
  • Check the chimney’s exterior for any signs of visible damage and have the flue cleaned.  It’s best to it inspected by a certified chimney sweep to ensure proper working order and storage for the warm months ahead.
  • Check the outside water faucets to make sure there was no freeze damage.  By turning the water on and putting a thumb or finger over the opening to check the water flow.  If you can stop the water flow, it’s likely that a pipe is damaged inside the home.  Check your water hoses for dry rot before connecting them for use.

Paragon Independent Insurance Agency

Paragon Independent Insurance Agency has been providing insurance in the Plano, TX area for over 23 years.  The Paragon Independent Insurance Agency agents care about your home and want to help make sure your home is adequately covered.  Contact a Paragon Independent Insurance Agency agent today to get started.

What to Know about Having a Pool and Home Insurance

There are many things that can affect home insurance costs, but one of the main things that is important to speak with an agent at Paragon Independent Insurance Agency serving Plano, TX about is having a pool.

Typically, your home insurance will cover your in-ground pool, but there will be a fee added to your premium. It’s important to know if your homeowner policy considers the pool part of the home itself or if it’s part of any extraneous structures like a tool shed. It will either affect replacement cost value or your personal property limit, depending on what category it is in. Usually, in-ground pools aren’t damaged and claims aren’t common.

Above ground pools are usually considered personal property because they are considered portable. These are more susceptible to damage, so speak with your agent about how much is covered and if you would need to purchase additional coverage.

Having a pool affects your liability protection. Pools are considered an “attractive nuisance,” and the owner of the pool is responsible, whether or not others had permission to use the pool. Standard amounts of liability protection may not be enough, and many agents recommend that those with a pool purchase as much as $500,000 of coverage. If someone were to drown in your pool, a lawsuit could definitely exceed the normal $100,000 of protection. You can either increase your liability or have a separate umbrella policy.

If your pool has a slide or diving board, they may be excluded from the policy because these pose a great risk for injury and more medical expenses. It’s necessary to keep up with the maintenance of the pool. If the damage is due to neglect, you may be denied coverage.

Contact an agent at Paragon Independent Insurance Agency serving Plano, TX to get a quote on homeowner’s insurance. 

The Benefits of Using GPS When Traveling

Whether it be going to the nearby gas station in Plano, TX or taking a trip across the country, you will want to make sure that you are always equipped with a GPS system. The technology integrated into GPS systems is phenomenal and has even been known to save lives. Here is a quick look at three advantages you’ll gain when using a GPS when traveling. 

Emergency Relief

A GPS can prove to be of the utmost value in a number of situations that life may throw your way. For instance, during a natural disaster, hurricane, or tornado, law enforcement and emergency services can use the GPS navigation system in your car or cell phone to locate you. In fact, cell phone and car navigational systems that have GPS capabilities have proven themselves to be extremely helpful in terms of finding natural disaster victims in a quick and efficient manner. This small but very powerful tool has saved many lives. 


A GPS device is equipped with locations and maps of the world. Tablet PCs and smartphones use GPS to pinpoint locations and give step-by-step directions from one location to the next. A GPS can even alert you if you have made a wrong turn, as well as give you updated route information. Another feature of GPS systems is that they can help you locate the closest hospital and find local restaurants. With a GPS, there is no need to pull the paper map out of the glove box. Simply type in the location or destination you are wanting to reach, and the GPS will provide you with precise directions on how to get there. 

Avoiding Traffic

Traffic can either make or break your trip, but having a GPS while traveling can make your trip a breeze. Today’s GPS systems have the ability to provide you with will real-time traffic updates and will instruct you to take alternate routes that make your trips more efficient.

Protect Yourself Today

In addition to protecting yourself with a GPS system, you’ll also want to make sure your car has proper auto insurance. To learn more about this type of insurance, please contact Paragon Independent Insurance Agency. serving the Plano, TX area. 

Are my shed and other yard property covered on my homeowners policy?

If you own a home in Plano, TX, you may already have a homeowners insurance policy through the Paragon Independent Insurance Agency. If you do, you may have some questions about what specifically is covered under your policy. 

Of course, your physical home and personal items are covered, including furniture, clothing, appliances and many other possessions. Your attached garage will likewise be covered, as will other property inside it, up to certain limits. But what about the property which is not physically enclosed by your house? 

Sheds or other structures on your property will almost certainly be covered by your homeowner’s policy. You can add an outdoor storage space to keep sports or lawn care equipment, and it will be protected against losses the same as the property inside your home. Fencing is another kind of property homeowners insurance will cover. 

However, it is important to let your real estate agent know the details of these structures, including how much they are worth. Just as you need to make an inventory of your other items in your home like your television and other valuables, you will need to make sure your agent knows about these.

You will also want to make sure that this other property is insured up to its full value, as there are limits on any policy. The amount you can recover for other structures may be limited, but the best way to find out for sure is to read your policy and talk to your agent. 

If you have any questions or would like to purchase a policy to protect your home in Plano, TX, feel free to contact the Paragon Independent Insurance Agency today. 

Full Coverage or Minimum Auto Insurance?

You’ve purchased the car of your dreams and now need to choose insurance coverage to protect your investment. How much insurance should you buy? New car owners should seriously consider full coverage to fully protect their investment. If you own an older vehicle, it’s up to you to select the type of coverage you need. With the help of a Paragon Independent Insurance Agency agent, Plano, TX car owners can make wise insurance choices to protect their interests.  

Minimum Auto Coverage

Every state has mandatory minimum requirements for auto insurance coverage. In Texas, the minimum coverage is $30,000 bodily injury liability per person with a $60,000 total per accident. If you cause an accident that injures two other people, your insurer will pay up to $30,000 worth of medical expenses for each, with a limit of $60,000 for the entire accident.

If injuries exceed this limit, you could be sued for the remainder of the damages. Unless you have financial resources to cover these expenses, you would do well to select higher liability limits to protect your interests. Minimum liability coverage also doesn’t cover damages to your vehicle, which means you’ll have to pay for repairs out of pocket.

Full Coverage

With full coverage, you not only get liability protection but collision and comprehensive coverage as well. Collision coverage helps pay for repairs to your car if you crash it into another vehicle or object. Comprehensive insurance protects you against theft, vandalism and storm damage. If you own a new or fairly new car, you need extra coverage to protect your investment. Otherwise, you could wind up paying for vehicle repairs on your own.  Full coverage may cost more initially but gives you greater returns on your insurance investment when you need it most.

For help in selecting the right auto insurance package for your situation, contact Paragon Independent Insurance Agency, Plano, TX.

Types of Commercial Insurance That You Need

Owning your own small business is a very important responsibility that needs to be taken seriously.  One factor that needs to be carefully considered is what type of insurance coverage you should have in place.  For small business owners, there are a variety of types of commercial insurance coverage that you should have that will provide adequate protection. 

Workers Compensation

For business owners in the Plano, TX area, having workers compensation coverage is very important.  While the state of Texas does not necessarily require it, it still provides a business with very valuable protections.  Your workers compensation policy will provide coverage to you and your employees in the event someone is injured while at work.

Liability Coverage

Liability insurance is also very important for all small business owners to have.  If you have a product or service that you sell, you are taking on some responsibility every time you sell it and a consumer uses it.  To ensure you are fully protected, you should have a liability coverage policy in place that will provide you with coverage in the event you are sued. 

Property Coverage

If you operate a small business and have a building, whether it is a rental or if you own it, having property coverage is a necessity.  Property coverage will provide you with reimbursement for expenses that are incurred if the building or its contents are damaged or if there is an incident of theft or vandalism.  In many cases, you will also be required to carry this coverage under a lease or a loan agreement.

Before getting into any new commercial insurance policy, Plano, TX area business owners should contact Paragon Independent Insurance Agency.  Paragon Independent Insurance Agency is a leading insurance agency that can help you to better determine and understand you commercial insurance needs.

Decorating Your Home With Safety in Mind

At Paragon Independent Insurance Agencies, we serve Plano, TX and the surrounding region to provide a solution for auto, home and business insurance. Our agents not only help you find a policy suited to your specific needs, our agents also assist in keeping you safe on the road and in your home. A few simple tips can protect your home and your family.  

1. Keep Open Paths

Make sure you keep open spaces throughout all areas of your home, so you’re able to move around and escaped in the event of a fire or other emergency. You want to eliminate any possible issues that could slow down the ability of you and your family to get out of your home. Leave space in between your furniture, so you’re able to move around it without any hesitation.  

2. Declutter

Clutter isn’t just unsightly. It’s a huge fire hazard, especially if you have clutter near registers or heaters. Keep in mind, if you have rooms filled with your possessions, especially if it’s stacked, and your home should happen to catch flame, rooms filled with clutter burn quicker and typically hotter. 

3. Fireplace Decorating

While fireplaces provide your home with warmth and give the room a certain ambiance, they’re also fire hazards. When you decorate the mantel, always make sure anything you place there is sturdy and won’t move. Avoid draping anything from the mantel. 

4. Pet and Baby Proof

It’s important to keep candles where kids and pets can’t reach. Always use plug protectors to avoid your child sticking anything in them. 

To learn more ways to decorate your home with safety in mind or to receive a quote for homeowner’s insurance to further protect your home, contact Paragon Independent Insurance Agencies, serving Plano, TX and the surrounding region, by calling 972-473-4813. 



  • Allstate
  • ASI
  • charity first
  • Chubb
  • Dairyland
  • Encompass
  • Foremost
  • Geico
  • Hagerty
  • Kemper
  • liberty mutual
  • national general
  • Philadelphia
  • Progressive
  • Safeco
  • Texas Mutual
  • TWIA-Texas Windstorn
  • the hartford
  • Travelers
  • US Assure

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