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Paragon Independent Insurance Agencies, Inc

6305 Preston Road #1000
Plano, TX 75024

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When Can You Claim Your Auto Insurance

As long as you’re driving, chances are you will one day be involved in a car accident or another circumstance that will cause damage to your car or another person’s property.  You will need to contact your auto insurance provider in in your home in Plano, TX to get reimbursement. Auto insurance safeguards you against liability and costly legal battles. Some of the common claim types filed with Paragon Independent Insurance Agencies Inc include property damage claims to severe vehicle damage and bodily injuries for medical expenses. So, when should you file a claim for your auto insurance?

When a Collision Occurs

Car collisions often result in severe car damages, and you should inform your insurance agent whenever you’re involved in a collision. File a claim even if you are the one at fault or if the car damages don’t appear severe.  Sometimes the damage may be more severe than what you think. It can be hard to tell whether serious injuries are involved at the scene of the collision since some injuries have delayed symptoms. Be sure to inform your provider in Plano, TX to avoid paying someone else’s huge medical bills. Let your auto insurance agent handle it.

When You Accidentally Cause Serious Damage to Your Own Car

Let’s assume that you make a dumb driving move and hit a post causing severe damage to your car. Although there is no any other person involved in the matter, don’t fail to file a claim for repairs. Sometimes, it can be costly to cater for such repairs without the help of your insurance provider.

Whenever there is Property Damage Involving Your Vehicle

You should also file an auto insurance claim when there is property damage, and your car is involved. The liability coverage is there to protect you from such circumstances. The liability policy pays for the damage and the costly legal battles that may arise out of the situation.

Are you looking for auto insurance in Plano, TX? Contact Paragon Independent Insurance Agencies Inc today for all of your insurance needs.


Is Your Business Protected Against Cyber Crimes?

As a small business owner, you may think you’re safe from online fraud due to being a “small fish” in the big world of business. Statistics show, however, that small businesses are just as susceptible to cyber crimes as major companies. By taking protective measures, you can safeguard your Plano, TX business against Internet crimes and protect your assets. Here are a few tips to help you get started.

Create Strong Internet Passwords

Strong Internet passwords can boost your online security, making it that much more difficult for hackers to get into your accounts. All your business accounts should have strong passwords to include online banking, email accounts, purchasing accounts, etc.

Tune in to Email Links

Tune in to links that may come with your business emails as they could contain viruses or open the door to cyber attacks. Never click on a link that you have doubts about. Verifying all email links before opening, even those from known associates or friends, could save your business from online attacks.  

Encrypt Sensitive Information

Encrypt all sensitive data to protect your business associates and customers from online fraud. This includes Social Security numbers, credit card numbers, health records and personal data. Encrypting sensitive information make it more difficult for hackers to gain unlawful access to customer accounts.

Protect your Business Infrastructure

Invest in the latest firewall, spyware and anti-virus detection programs to protect your data and networks against infiltration by hackers. By doing your part to protect your business infrastructure, you can help prevent online attacks.

Get Cyber Insurance Coverage

Cyber insurance from Paragon Independent Insurance Agency covers your company’s liability for data breaches that can put your customers at risk of cyber crimes. For more information about cyber insurance and the protection it has to offer, contact us at Paragon Independent Insurance Agency in Plano, TX.

Mudslides, Earthquakes, and Hurricanes, Really?

Climate change is creating all kinds of new problems for homeowners. Hurricanes that are supposed to happen rarely are now becoming frequent occurrences. Wind and heavy rain may do damage and cause dangerous mudslides. Earthquakes are happening with increased severity and in unusual patterns that have not been seen before. The expectation is that these natural disasters will continue to get worse in the future.

This is why it is a good idea to conduct an insurance review with your agent at Paragon Independent Insurance Agency serving Plano, TX to make sure these increased risks are covered by your insurance policies. It is always better to be prepared than to be caught off guard when an emergency happens. Some surprising things have been happening where homes that are not located in a flood zone are being damaged by flooding. Home insurance and flood insurance are different and many should consider having both of these policies.

If you do not already have home insurance for the replacement value of the home and its contents, it is a good idea to consider this. Also, be sure that the estimate of replacement value is accurate and up-to-date. If you have done any remodeling or made any additions to the home be sure to consider those and include the values for them in the replacement cost as well. Discuss with your agent about having special coverage for any items of great value such as antiques or artwork that are kept in the home.

Hopefully there will not be any troubles; however, if they do come up you want to rest assured that there is adequate insurance coverage to take care of the problems. Contact the good folks at Paragon Independent Insurance Agency serving Plano, TX and the surrounding areas to make sure you have adequate insurance coverage for all of your needs.

What Does Commercial Insurance Cover?

When you own a small business, there are many different factors that you will need to take into consideration. For businesses in the Plano, TX area, one factor that needs to be taken seriously as its insurance needs. For those that are looking for more Insurance, getting commercial insurance could be a great option as it provides a range of different coverages.


The first type of coverage that a commercial insurance policy will provide is liability insurance coverage. If your business produces and sells a product or service, you are taking on a certain level of liability every time it is used by a consumer. Because of this, it would be a good idea to purchase a liability policy under your commercial insurance to provide you with protection in the event you are sued and found Bible.

Workers Compensation

If you have employees that work for you, you will also probably be required to have a worker’s compensation policy. A workers compensation policy will provide you with protection in the event your employee is injured while they are at work. This is particularly important if your place of business provides a certain level of danger for those that work there.  

Property Insurance

If you own real estate in which your business is operated out of, your commercial insurance package should also provide you with property insurance coverage. This will provide you with coverage in the event your property is damaged or destroyed. It can also cover all of the equipment that sits underneath the roof of your property.

When looking for a new commercial insurance policy, Plano, TX businesses should contact the Paragon Independent Insurance Agency. The Paragon Independent Insurance Agency is skilled at helping businesses of all types and sizes to find a commercial insurance policy that is best for them.

Reasons why you should consider an auto insurance policy

It is hard to understand why you should spend so much money to buy a car and then spend another amount to insure it? However, can you imagine a world without insurance? If an accident was to occur, the person found liable would have to pay for all the expenses from his or her pocket. You do not want to be the one in that position, and that is why Paragon Independent Insurance Agency offers you an auto insurance policy.

If you are in Plano, TX, we advise you consider our auto insurance policy. We have employees that are well versed with insurance knowledge, and also, they have the experience needed to guide you through the policy. We encourage you to view insurance as an investment since it is protecting one of your great investments and in that way, you will be able to understand its importance.

We have different auto insurance coverage options for you to choose from. We offer you collision coverage, comprehensive cover, liability coverage and medical payments. With this covers, you should not worry about the risks that might occur as you drive your vehicle. Still not convinced of the importance of an auto insurance policy?

Let us look at some of the reasons why you should consider this policy.

It is a law

Having a car insurance policy is a requirement by law in most parts of the world and Plano, TX is not an exception.

Saves cost

If you are to get into an accident and the court finds you liable, the penalties will be less than that of a person without an insurance policy. Also, if your passengers or a third party gets injured under your watch, the court will require you to pay for the medical expenses. If you don’t have an insurance policy, you will have to use your own money to cover the bills, and that can leave you bankrupt.

Therefore, if you are looking to have an enjoyable and stress-free time with your vehicle, Paragon Independent Insurance Agency is the place to go. We will give you not only our best policy but also the best customer service.




Is My Pool Covered under My Homeowner’s Insurance Policy?

The standard homeowner’s insurance policy provided by Paragon Independent Insurance Agency in Plano, TX will cover any loss resulting from lightning, fire, hail, wind, theft, riot, smoke damage, explosion and vandalism. 

In most cases, damage that occurs to in-ground pools, which consists of cracking due to the movement of the ground or maintenance issues, will not be covered by a typical homeowner’s policy. 

The Problem of Damaged Pools 

The summer in Texas is often dry and hot. As a result, more and more pools are suffering cracks because of the movement of the ground. This can lead to serious issues for homeowners. Unfortunately, if a traditional homeowner’s policy has been purchased, these issues such as these are not going to be covered, which leaves the homeowner have to pay out of pocket for the necessary repairs.

Are Any Damages or Issues Covered?  

There is a silver-lining. If the damage to the pool occurred due to frozen pipes, vandalism, theft or lightning, then they will be covered by the majority of home insurance policies. It is important to determine the cause of the damage to know whether or not the insurance policy will cover it. 

Contact the Insurance Company 

Whenever a homeowner notices any type of damage to their home or anything on their property, they should contact their insurance company to file a claim right away. An adjuster will come to the property to take photos and write a report about what the issue is. If the damage is covered according to the terms of the policy, then a homeowner will receive a check. If not, they will have to reconsider their policy to determine if changes need to be made to prevent issues down the road. 

More information about what is and is not covered by a homeowner’s insurance policy can be found by contacting the staff of Paragon Independent Insurance Agency serving Plano, TX. 


Collision vs Comprehensive, What’s the Difference?

Auto insurance policies in Plano, TX typically include both comprehensive and collision coverage. Some people opt for just collision coverage, especially if the value of their vehicle is low. However, including comprehensive coverage adds more protection.  To choose a policy that’s right for you, it’s important to know the differences.

Collision Coverage

Collision coverage is the most important type of coverage to maintain. It applies when you are the at-fault driver in a collision with another car or object such as a power pole or sign. It’s not difficult to accidentally hit something while driving, and if you’re at fault, then your collision coverage will protect you from incurring large expenses.

With collision coverage, your insurance company pays for damage to your auto and damages related to whatever you struck, such as another vehicle. Collision coverage often pays for related medical expenses too, but it’s important to check with an agency like Paragon Independent Insurance Agency to be sure you have adequate medical coverage to meet potential claims.

Comprehensive Coverage

Comprehensive is valuable too. It covers damage that occurs to your vehicle from something other than a collision. It covers theft of your vehicle, along with incidents such as fire, flooding, and vandalism. Hitting a deer or other animal is also covered under comprehensive.

Choosing the Best Coverage

Each type of coverage serves an important purpose. For some people, the best coverage is the cheapest coverage that allows them to legally drive in Plano, TX and surrounding areas. Other people are concerned about potential damage to their vehicle and want to do more to protect themselves from unexpected expenses. For help choosing the right coverage, please call Paragon Independent Insurance Agency, for assistance. We’d love to help you explore and assess available options.

4 key benefits of commercial auto insurance

In case you operate a transportation business, you need to purchase a commercial auto insurance to ensure that you are properly covered. This insurance coverage comes with many benefits which are exclusive for your business customers and employees. With this coverage, you will have a peace of mind regardless of who is driving your car. Below are four key benefits of purchasing commercial auto insurance policy from Paragon Independent Insurance Agency Plano, TX insurance policy.

1. Higher Limits
Every day you or one of your employees drive your car, you are at risk of getting wrecked which would lead to expensive lawsuits. In scenarios involving punitive damages, the liability costs can go to the extent of six figures. Luckily with commercial insurance, you will have high policy limits ensuring that such liability is fully covered.

2. Protects Business Equipment
If you own a transportation business, you will note that there are numerous tools and equipment which must be brought along while driving. These include catering equipment and hydraulic lifts which are supposed to make the repair and maintenance work simpler. With this coverage, you will get funds to replace these tools whenever they get damaged. 

3. Protects Employees
Business owners can have numerous employed drivers who count on them for their safety and protection. However, you will not be able to keep them in sight all the time which calls for a third party to offer protection. As such, you will need a commercial auto insurance policy to ensure that they are helped in the event of an accident.  

4. Meets the Fleet Lease Requirements
Lessees will require your business to maintain a commercial auto insurance which will protect their interests in case of an accident. With this policy, the lessees will be safe from the risk of financial loss in the event the business experiences damages.

Undoubtedly, commercial auto insurance will protect your business when the liability claims are high. Considering its high limits, you will have a peace of mind after purchasing this policy coverage. It is high time you visited Paragon Independent Insurance Agency which is based in Plano, TX, for good insurance deals.

Do Home Insurance Policies Cover Firearms?

As firearms are considered personal property, they’re generally covered by standard home insurance, up to the limits of your property coverage. If you have a valuable collection of guns, this limit may not be enough. At Paragon Independent Insurance Agency, we encourage you to consider the following aspects when insuring firearms in your home:

Replacement Cost

Expensive firearms or gun collections can be costly to replace. If they’re stolen, damaged or lost, property limits on your home insurance may be insufficient to cover replacement costs. This leaves you responsible for paying the remainder of their value, after subtracting your deductible. By taking out an insurance rider on expensive firearms, you stand a better chance of recuperating their loss.

Liability Coverage

If a visitor suffers injuries due to a firearm accident on your Plano, TX property, your liability insurance will cover medical costs up to the limits of your policy. Many home policies have a liability limit of $100,000 for firearm injuries, which may fall short if injuries are severe or result in death.  

It’s also important to note that liability coverage only protects visitors from firearm accidents in your home; it won’t cover you or members of your household. If you or a member of your household gets hurt in a firearm accident on your property, you or your household member will be responsible for medical costs.

Intentional firearm shootings that cause injuries or death on your property are NOT covered under your liability coverage.

Supplemental Insurance

Supplemental gun insurance can protect you against firearm accidents where medical costs extend beyond the limits of your home insurance policy. You can obtain supplemental liability coverage for as much as $1,000,000 or more.

To learn more about firearm protection under home insurance policies, talk to one of our agents at Paragon Independent Insurance Agency, Plano, TX.   

Commercial Insurance for Retail Operations, Fast Food Restaurants, and Other Businesses

The type of commercial insurance coverage needed is different depending on the kind of property and its use. For example, commercial property that is used for a retail store needs a different type of insurance than commercial property used for a food establishment. There are also differences between insurance for apartment buildings and condominium complexes.

The agents at Paragon Independent Insurance Agency serving Plano, TX understand these special needs.

Commercial Property Coverage for Retail Operations

Retail operations are unique because they typically have lots of customer flow. There is a need for additional security efforts and insurance in the case of shoplifting in such stores. There is also a need to have insurance for slip and fall accidents, which are common in such environments.

Fast Food Service

In the fast food business, the insurance needs to protect the customer while physically at the premises and to protect the customer from contamination or illness contracted from the food being served. Many fast food retailers have been hit with major lawsuits based on the quality (or lack thereof) of the food being served. Insurance coverage for such key issues is important.

Insurance Assessment Mitigates Risk

Insurance risk includes what happens on site at the store. It also includes what happens before and after products come into the store. Product liability extends to when the products leave the store to be used by consumers. A comprehensive insurance coverage plan takes all of these factors into account and checks the insurance coverage that currently exists to look for areas where there are “gaps” in insurance coverage to fill those gaps.

Commercial Rental Property

Commercial insurance is important for rental properties. Owners buy it as a form of property insurance to protect their structures and property from damage while renting out their property.

What to do now?

Contact the good folks today at Paragon Independent Insurance Agency serving Plano, TX for a free evaluation of all commercial insurance needs. Insurance coverage delivered with a smile.



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