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Paragon Independent Insurance Agencies, Inc

6305 Preston Road #1000
Plano, TX 75024

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Fall Preparation for Winter

Fall is a terrific time to do some routine maintenance and yard work to get ready for the winter season. It is always nice to start early before the pressures of the holidays begin. As part of your fall checklist, be sure to ask your insurance agent at Paragon Independent Insurance Agency to review home insurance for adequate coverage.

Fall Checklist:

  • Change the Furnace Filter – Using a HEPA filter is best. The filter needs cleaning and/or changing once per month during winter for the most efficient furnace operations that save money on energy bills.
  • Air-Conditioning Units – Drain any water, clean, and store any window units or cover them. Drain water, clean, and cover external central air-conditioning units.
  • Irrigation Systems – Turn off the water supply and drain irrigation systems. Drain garden hoses and put them in storage.
  • Reverse the Direction of Ceiling Fans – Switching the spin direction of any ceiling fans to a clockwise direction brings the warm air down from the ceiling to make the room warmer.
  • Block Drafts – Check weather stripping and use caulking around windows and doors to prevent heat loss from leaks.
  • Insulate Pipes – Make sure all water pipes have proper insulation to avoid damage from water freezing in them.
  • Air Ducts – Have them professionally cleaned and checked for any leaks that cause heat loss.
  • Landscaping – Trim bushes and trees, especially ones that are near the home to prevent damage to the house from falling branches during storms.
  • Storm Windows – Use storm windows to protect from damage during any high winds or thunderstorms.
  • Lightning Rod – Install a lightning rod to attract lightning strikes away from hitting the home during thunderstorms.
  • Emergency Preparedness – Check smoke alarms. Have an emergency kit ready and refilled with any items needed.

This fall checklist will help you get your home ready for winter, so you can have a safe, enjoyable holiday season.

Hail Storm Damage and Car Coverage

Hail damage in some parts of the country can be as regular as the risk of tornadoes. And anything that happens to be outside is going to be marked with the passing of hail, especially if the storm produced sizable ice chunks in the process. Numerous folks can remember big storms, when entire farm fields were knocked down, holes in roofs, and smashed out vehicle windows.

Plano, TX is no exception to hard storms and hail. Like a good part of Texas, the area sees its share of weather and big storms. Car policies in the region can cover the issue if the right policy is chosen ahead of time when a car owner secures coverage. And that’s where some folks find themselves in a surprise after the storm has passed, realizing they took out the wrong policy for the damage that has occurred with ice falling. Car damage isn’t cheap, and a good size hail ball can do some serious dents or window damage with the right angle and hit on a car parked outside.

For those in the Plano, TX region, Paragon Independent Insurance Agency can help quite a bit. Their agents are trained and versed in all the different types of auto coverage policies available for the area. More importantly, they can parse and clear up the confusion between specific terms, what coverage actually means, and what would happen specifically during a hail storm with a given coverage plan. There’s no reason for people to play a guessing game with mother nature. Giving Paragon a call can mean peace of mind and elimination of wondering "what if" before the next winter season and round of storms blow in.


How do Homeowners Associations Impact Home Insurance?

Residents in Plano, TX often live in a neighborhood with a homeowners association. These associations often provide important functions, such as managing maintenance costs of pools and golf courses in addition to keeping the neighborhood streets and greenery areas in pristine condition. On the other hand, these associations can also be headaches when it comes to maintaining a house or keeping up with dues. How does the presence of a homeowners association impact potential home insurance rates? These details are important to understand. Paragon Insurance has some of these details below.

The first step to deciding how home insurance is impacted by a homeowners association is to consider the type of insurance the homeowners association provides. When people pay their dues, they frequently also gain some coverage under the homeowners association. Ask the association for the by-laws that give key details as to what is covered by the insurance policy. Therefore, a homeowners association insurance impacts home insurance by covering some portions of the home up front. Find the gaps that need to be covered by the additional home insurance policy and don’t have redundant coverage.

Once the gaps have been protected, it is time to start shopping. Common gaps in homeowners association insurance include personal belongings. These include furniture and electronics that are expensive and should be covered. Identify the gaps in dwelling coverage that need to be covered under that additional home insurance policy. Homeowners associations heavily impact the way that people shop for home insurance.

Overall, homeowners associations should cover some home insurance in their by-laws and dues up front. This means that residents should ultimately end up paying less for a private home insurance policy. This cost between this additional policy and the homeowners association policy usually end up being comparable to the cost of covering a home entirely without a homeowners association.

For people in Plano, TX thinking of purchasing a home, consider how the presence of a homeowners association will change the home insurance rates. Contact Paragon Insurance with any questions today.

Are Your Personal Possessions Really Protected?

While you have Plano, TX home insurance through the Paragon Independent Insurance Agency, are your valuable truly protected in case of total loss due to fire or theft? There is a section of your policy that is for replacing personal items in times of emergency, but each one can provide differing coverage.  If you own valuables such as high-end electronics, designer shoes or jewelry, will you be sufficiently compensated when faced with replacing them with a single check from your insurance company?

Actual Cash Value vs. Full Replacement Cost

Once you’ve worn your red heeled shoes a few times, they are no longer considered new. Should they be part of a claim of personal possessions, it is likely you’ll receive significantly less compensation than what it will actually cost to replace them.  Many basic home insurance policies use an actual cash value to place a price on your items, meaning if they are used, you won’t get the money to replace it with a new version.  Full replacement cost helps to ensure your grandmother’s diamond ring will receive a proper valuation and benefit check.

Fine Collections Can Be Costly

Stamps, fire arms, coins and other fine collectibles should be itemized on your inventory complete with a valuation submitted by an expert in the field, in order to truly protect your investment in case of loss or theft.  You may want to include separate insurance for such items when creating a home insurance policy capable of protecting your future.

In order to ensure that you and your family will continue to live according to how you are accustomed after a catastrophic loss of property, it’s a good idea to give your agent at Paragon Independent Insurance Agency in Plano, TX a call today and update your home insurance policy.

5 Tips for Buying Commercial Insurance

At Paragon Independent Insurance Agency, we know how difficult it can be to find the right commercial insurance coverage. Below are 5 tips to help guide you through finding the right coverage for your business.

  1. Assess Your Own Risk – Insurance companies are going to do this when they consider that policy coverage they’ll provide you. You’ll balance premium against deductible – that is, the higher your deductible you pay to access benefits, the lower your premium payment will be. Understanding the financial risk you can afford to take with your business helps you determine the sweet spot between those two points of tension.
  2. Reassess Annually – Your needs as a business change over time, as does the amount and type of coverage your commercial insurance provides. Make an annual habit of going over your insurance policy with your agent to ensure you have the best coverage to suit the current needs of your company.  
  3. Don’t Sell Your Business Short – In the case of business insurance, the lowest priced option is often not the best decision for your company. Do your research, understand your needs, and look for an insurance coverage option that provides comprehensive coverage and support within a comfortable budget range.
  4. Prepare for an Audit – If your business is new, you can expect the provider to audit you after your first year of sales, either during or at the close of your policy period. Make sure you keep accurate sales records so they can adjust the policy to reflect your sales.
  5. BOP Your Way to Success – A great option for new or smaller businesses is a business owner’s policy, which combines property and general liability insurance and will often cover the most common concerns in a startup or smaller operation, including property damage, lawsuits, suspended operations, and other common loss situations.

.To find the coverage most suitable for your company, contact Paragon Independent Insurance Agency today for a detailed discussion of your options and get a quote that suits your budget.  

Why you need auto insurance in Plano, TX

Located in the metroplex of the twin Texas cities of Dallas and Fort Worth, Plano, Texas residents almost all have vehicles so they can easily get around the large area. Because of this, almost all drivers have auto insurance of some kind. Below are the reasons why you need auto insurance in a place like Plano, TX.


First and foremost, by driving without auto insurance you are breaking the law in the state of Texas. All drivers need some form of auto insurance to legally drive and if you are caught driving without proof of it, you will be ticketed and told you must also get auto insurance with a ticket on your record, which will make everything even more expensive. So just to get on the road legally, you need some form of auto insurance policy.


Auto insurance protects your vehicle from damage caused by other drivers, people or objects that may come in contact with your vehicle and damage it. This all depends on what amount of auto insurance you set up,  of course, but it keeps you from having to pay for this damage out of your own pocket. By knowing you have this, you will have a certain peace of mind while on the road.


Auto insurance policies also protect you financially after an accident, on a number of fronts. You don’t have to pay for the damage to someone else’s vehicle if you have been found to be at fault and it also protects against medical bills you will have to pay for yourself or your passengers or other drivers involved in the accident. Also, auto insurance policies protect against any lawsuits that may arise in the future from the accident, allowing you to move on and not have to deal with this financial burden after the fact.

Types of Auto Insurance

In Texas, you are required to be responsible for an accident, if you are at fault. Not all of the coverage you may get is mandatory. Some items are optional. Depending on your situation and needs, you may decide to have full or partial coverage. No matter what policy you choose, you will need insurance to protect you while you are on the road.

Types of Coverage for Your Automobile

  • Liability – If you have an accident and you are at fault, liability insurance can protect you. You can have property damage and bodily injury liability, which covers you if you cause damage to another vehicle or hurt someone else.
  • Personal Injury Protection – Medical costs and funeral expenses may be covered if you cause injury to another person in an accident.
  • Uninsured and Underinsured Motorist – There are two types: property damage and bodily injury.
  • Collision – You could be covered if you receive damage to your vehicle during an accident.
  • Comprehensive – If you have damage to your vehicle that was not in an accident, for example, if your car were damage due to vandalism or an act of nature.
  • Roadside Assistance – You could get help if your car breaks down and you need to be towed.
  • Car Rental – You can get a rental if your car is being repaired due to an accident.
  • Death and Dismemberment – You could be covered if someone in your policy dies, is dismembered, or loses their sight.
  • GAP – GAP gives you the difference between the amount you owe the lender and the fair market value of your vehicle, if your car is totally lost because of an accident.

Get more information from the Plano, Texas agents at Paragon Independent Insurance Agency. They are available to help you with new or existing insurance policies.

Check list for a long car trip

Preparation beforehand can make the difference between a smooth car trip and a journey that gets interrupted because of an unexpected mishap. Here follows a check list before setting out on the road.

Make sure you have a GPS system. Modern technology has allowed one to avoid the embarrassment of asking for directions. People used to navigate the highways without GPS. Now no one can understand how they did without.

Use a roadside assistance service, such as AAA. If you happen to be on the side of the road because of an accident or breakdown, this could be a lifesaver.  Such services will also provide maps, a good backup for the GPS, and information on amenities along your route, such as rest stops, motels, and restaurants.

Check your tires, and make sure that the treads are not worn and that they have been aligned and rotated. A blown tire that has to be changed can be aggravating, to say the least.

Have your garage check your car. Auto repair shops will do an inspection of your vehicle. A worn belt or a leaky hose, for example, could ruin your car trip, so detecting and fixing problems beforehand is a good idea.

Have a hands-free cell phone installed. Talking or texting is not a good idea behind the wheel, as a rule, but a hands-free system will allow you to communicate with the outside world in case of an emergency.

Have a store of provisions packed in the car, including bottled water and snacks, such as protein bars. That way, you can stave off thirst or hunger without having to pull into an eatery. A first-aid kit is a good idea, as well.

For your insurance needs contact Paragon Independent Insurance Agency


Why set up commercial insurance in Plano, TX

There are a number of reasons to take out commercial insurance if you own a business in Plano, TX, beyond the fact that in most circumstances it is required by state law to have for your business. Below are some of the most important reasons for setting up a commercial insurance policy with a company like Paragon Independent Insurance Agency, who serves the greater Plano, TX area, to make certain you and your company are fully protected from anything unforeseen.



Commercial insurance policies also protect businesses against theft, robbery and burglary, allowing the company to not suffer monetary damages from the criminal activity, even if the perpetrators are caught. As the South has a large number of people in major cities that are nearby Plano, the chances of criminal activity of this sort effecting a business in the area are higher than the chances in less populated areas of the country. So having this covered on a commercial insurance policy is important.


Commercial insurance companies also just need protection against other types of liability, like employees being injured on the job or customers hurting themselves while inside the business itself. This will just protect a business against lawsuits, many of which are costly enough to cripple a company from doing the work it was built to do.

Top Reasons to Purchase Home Insurance

For those who live in the state of Texas, having home insurance is imperative. A state well-known for its heat, the thunderstorms, tornadoes, hurricanes, droughts, and more, are  enough to cool anyone’s mood. Do you live in the state of Texas? The following is a closer look at the top reason to purchase a home insurance policy.

Disaster Recovery

First and foremost, living in a state such as Texas, having a disaster recovery plan is vital. In addition to making sure your family knows how to react to remain safe during all potential disasters, you should also ensure that you have a plan in place to assist in recovery from the potential damages in the best way to make sure your home and family are as secure as possible. 

Protect Against Lawsuits

Furthermore, accidents happen. No matter if it is a friend visiting or a postal worker who accidentally takes a spill, you will likely be sued by the injured party. By obtaining a high-quality home insurance policy, you are ensuring the protection of your home as well as your financial assets. 

Protection from Robbery and Theft

Lastly, no matter where one resides, robbery is always possible. Therefore, purchasing a quality policy is the best way to protect your belongings as the alternative is having no protection at all. 

Overall, if you are looking for a quality home insurance policy in the state of Texas, Paragon Independent Insurance Agency is your best bet. Call, email, or stop in today to speak to a qualified independent representative who can tell you how to purchase a premium home insurance policy and save. 



  • Allstate
  • ASI
  • charity first
  • Chubb
  • Dairyland
  • Encompass
  • Foremost
  • Geico
  • Hagerty
  • Kemper
  • liberty mutual
  • national general
  • Philadelphia
  • Progressive
  • Safeco
  • Texas Mutual
  • TWIA-Texas Windstorn
  • the hartford
  • Travelers
  • US Assure

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