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Paragon Independent Insurance Agencies, Inc

6305 Preston Road #1000
Plano, TX 75024

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Why You Should Recycle Household Items in Plano

Recycling saves our environment in a number of ways, but unfortunately it’s not the most convenient activity for many people. The evidence of this fact lies in our landfills which are full of items that should have been dropped off at a local facility for plastic, paper or electronics. Here’s why you should remember just how important it is to recycle. 

The Advances in Technology

There was a time when recycling was poorly managed and inefficient, but people haven’t given up on their endeavors to save the planet by turning old items into new ones. The process has gotten much better over the years. Getting rid of old books, cardboard boxes and junk mail will not only make your house much more livable, but also help our environment in long-lasting ways. 

A Better Place to Live 

Paper will eventually break down, but there are items we throw away that will not. The battery acid in old electronics can actually seep out when it’s in landfills and get into the ground or our water. This spreads a toxic environment which can have far-reaching consequences for our wider world. Don’t simply throw away your laptops when you could take them to a facility which can actually dispose of them properly. 

Saving You Money 

Reusing your old household items actually saves you some cash, so get creative. Don’t pay for trash bags when you can reuse ones from the store. Repurpose an old baby gate into a garden trellis to keep your plants growing in the right direction. There are so many ideas out there, so do some research and start recycling!

Paragon Independent Insurance Agency encourages you to have a safe home in Plano, TX. Give us a call if you need a new homeowners policy and we can get you a quote today!


3 Facts on Premium vs. Regular Gas

A matter that affects all diverse universally, deciding which type of gas to fuel one’s vehicle with can be a tad bit confusing. While it may seem like one is intrinsically better than the other, it truly all depends on the make and model of each vehicle. That said, for those who are seeking information and tips on the difference between premium and regular gas, please review the following. 

Size and Age of Vehicle

First and foremost, the size and age of your vehicle are major factors in regards to determining the type of fuel most suitable for your vehicle. For instance, if you have an older vehicle or a larger, heavier truck or SUV, purchasing premium gasoline for your vehicle could help to drastically improve its performance. 

Premium Specified?

Next, although in the aforementioned case premium gas has not been called for, in order to ensure the maximum operation of your vehicle, only purchase premium gas if it is explicitly suggested. This is due to the fact that premium gas is designed to enhance certain features that are included on certain vehicles, therefore, if your vehicle does not specifically call for premium fuel, you may be wasting your money by fueling up with this type of gas. 

Engine Type

Lastly, as previously mentioned, cars that specify "premium fuel only" do so for a reason. This is because the premium fuel helps to boost turbochargers, high-compression engines, etc., which makes certain automobiles operate much more efficiently. 

No matter which type of gas you choose to fuel your vehicle, the safest way to keep it protected is by purchasing high-quality auto insurance. Proudly serving the area of Plano, TX, Paragon Independent Insurance Agency can provide you with fast quotes, outstanding customer service, and premium coverage. Contact them today! 

Do I Need Extra Coverage for My Home in Texas?

All homeowners are required to have some type of policy to insure their belongings and property, but that doesn’t mean that you should get the bare bones coverage just to save a few dollars. Here are the basic kinds of policies so you know more about what you’re responsible for should you need to use it.

The Basics

HO-A is a standard policy in Texas that will only give you limited cash for your property. You may not be covered for a variety of natural disasters or damages. You can also consider HO-A Amended options, but these unfortunately are not standardized. You would need to call each insurance company to see exactly how much more protection you’re getting based on their rules and regulations. 

A Better Plan

An HO-B will provide better coverage, and typically accounts for the most common types of damages. For the most part, people consider this policy to be the most reasonably priced for what you get. Just like the HO-A, this is a standard policy from agency to agency. Or you can choose another standard policy with the HO-C which is the most expensive type but also covers the most events. 

Making the Decision

Only you can decide if you need more, but Paragon Independent Insurance Agency serves Lewisville, TX and is here to give you the facts if you want to learn about the other types of plans out there. Many homeowners will curse their coverage if something does happen to them since the out-of-pocket costs can be considerable. If you have an HO-A plan, it is highly recommended you strongly consider moving up at least one level. Give Paragon Independent Insurance Agency a call today to find out more about the additional cost and the benefits you’ll receive. 

Ways to Protect Yourself from Fender Bender Fraud in Plano, Texas

If you live in Plano, Texas then you most likely do a lot of driving between Dallas and Fort Worth. So the chances of you getting into a fender bender at some point are probably pretty good. While most of these are easily dealt with by the exchange of information and then each driver’s insurance company, like Paragon Independent Insurance Agency who serves the greater Plano area, some end up mired in legal battles and lawsuits, where one driver claims to have been injured and has lost a lot of money in money they would have otherwise made at work. This usually ends up being what is better known as fender bender fraud and there are a number of ways to avoid this right when the accident occurs, as listed below.


If there are people who witnessed the accident, be sure to talk to them about what they saw and get your own statement from them as an independent third party. Also be sure to get their contact information so you can contact them later. This will be very helpful if you ever go to court.


The more of these you can have the better, as it will transport those in the courtroom to the actual scene of the accident and show them what really happened. This way it won’t solely be based upon your word against the other driver’s, but real photographic or video evidence from the time it actually occurred. There is no denying that in a court room.


The sooner you contact your insurance company and tell them what happened, the better, so that they can prepare for any funny business that could be coming their way from the other party in the collision.

10 Rules of the Road for Bicyclists and Motorists Alike

Sometimes things can get a little tense when motorists and bicyclists are sharing the road. Cooler heads will always prevail when both drivers and riders understand some important  rules and safety tips. Putting yourself in the other seat can save a lot of headaches, frustration and accidents.

Here are 10 things bicyclists can do and 10 things motorists can do to share the road better.

10 Tips for Bicyclists

1. Know your signs. Use proper bicycle hand signals and respect the signs and traffic signals.

2. Ride in the same direction as traffic. Not only is it the law, it’s quite dangerous to ride any other way.

3. Hands-on riding. Keep both hands on the handlebars. One- or no-hand riding means you may not have enough time to brake, especially in wet weather.

4. Keep your bike safe. It’s important to have the proper safety equipment, including bells, mirrors, fenders and a light if riding at night.

5. Watch for hazards. Sewer grates, manhole covers, oily pavement and potholes can cause serious injury to you … and your bike.

6, Streets can be ruff. Dogs can be problematic. Ignoring them, shouting a loud "No!" or dismounting and squirting them with water are all practical deterrents.

7. Make it personal. Try to make eye contact with a driver to make sure they see you.

8. Maintain the equipment. Brakes, tires should all be in top shape.

9. A little to the left. There are two ways to turn left. The first is to move to the left side of the turning lane. The other is to ride through an intersection, dismount, and cross in a crosswalk.

10. Acknowledge courtesy. When a car driver respects your rights and is careful, a wave or a nod is appreciated.

10 Tips for Motorists

1. It’s their road too. Bicyclists have as much right to the roadway as you do.

2. Leave some room. It’s advisable to leave at least three feet of width when passing a bicyclist.

3. What’s behind that door. Drivers and passengers alive should look behind them, especially when getting out on the traffic side, for bicyclists and cars.

4. Swerves happen. A bicyclist may need to swerve suddenly to avoid an opening car door or hazard.

5. A little to the left. See the above ways bicyclists can turn left. Don’t get upset at a bike in the left part of the lane.

6. Easy on the horn. Unless absolutely necessary, don’t use your horn. It may startle a bicyclist.

7. Accidents are harmful. Remember that a collision with a bicycle is likely to cause serious injury.

8. A little to the right. When turning right, be sure to check to see if bicyclists are coming.

9. Take your time. Bicyclists aren’t as fast as you. Let them make that turn.

10. Acknowledge courtesy. When a bicyclist follows the rules of the road, a wave can go a long way.

Despite following all of these safety tips, accidents happen. To be sure you’re covered, contact the Paragon Independent Insurance Agency today.

Dallas is Full of Great Ways to Give Back to Others

Living and working in Dallas can make you really happy. It’s a great place to be and has so much to offer. Not everyone in the Dallas, TX area has as much as others, though, and some people struggle to make ends meet. Fortunately, there are ways you can help them have more, so you’ll be able to give back to your local community and also have the chance to make some friends who are also working to help other people.

There are many things you can do to help others, and you don’t even have to give money. You can give blood, or adopt a shelter pet. You may want to donate your time to the food bank, or work with the homeless. Meals on Wheels or a similar type of program could probably use drivers, too. No matter what kinds of things you like to do or how you may want to help, there are likely options you can choose from that will give you the opportunity to offer your time and talents to people in your local area who need it most.

Getting to know the people in your community can make you feel right at home, and that’s always a good thing when you move to a new place and aren’t sure who to talk to. There another way you can help, too. Make sure you’re insured by someone in your community, like Paragon Independent Insurance Agency. By choosing a local insurer, you’ll be helping the local area and contributing to businesses there, so more of your money stays in the area in which you live and contributes to improve it for everyone. Dallas, TX

Disaster Struck While House Sitting: What to do Now?

So you are house sitting and all of a sudden disaster struck. From a pipe bursting to someone broke into the house while you were at work, you need to act fast. If you don’t, the home owners might not receive proper compensation from their insurance agency. Paragon Independent Insurance Agency points out what you need to do in your Plano, TX home when house sitting and disaster strikes. 

Burst Pipe

You walk into the house and you hear the dreaded sound of moving water, so you head downstairs and find a pipe has burst. First, if you can, turn off the water. There’s a on/off pipe, valve or other connection in the basement. Try to turn this off if you can. After doing this (or if you can’t), contact an emergency plumbing service right away. The faster you act the less damage will occur inside of the house. Also, make sure to contact the home owners after (contact them after with all of these disasters). 

Break In

Perhaps people have been casing the house for weeks and knew the home owners are gone. Maybe they just struck at the right time. Whatever the case, if someone breaks into the house contact the police immediately. Make sure to tell them you are house sitting. The police may want to contact the home owner’s directly. They will have a better idea of what went missing. 

Smell Gas

Do you smell gas inside of the house? Leave right away and contact the fire department. A gas leak is especially dangerous and even a spark can cause an explosion. Have the fire department inspect the house. Also, make sure to tell the home owners. If it doesn’t require their immediate attention you can hold off until they return. No need to worry them while away. 

Top TIps for Improving Gas Mileage

When it comes to improving gas mileage, there are many tips to follow, with one of the best being to keep a full tank of gas as often as possible. It’s also imperative to understand that newer cars tend to get better gas mileage than their older model versions because of advancements in automotive technology. Here’s a couple of other tips to remember so you can put more money in your pocket and less in your gas tank. 

Invest in a newer car

As stated above, investing in a more modern car that boasts some of today’s best gas-saving features is an excellent way to start saving money on gas. Whether you want to invest in a hybrid, electric, or gas car, the latest cars are designed and manufactured to meet today’s emission and gas laws. 

Take off slow, and brake slow

When you take off abruptly or wallop the brakes, this will affect your gas mileage negatively. Taking off slow and making sure you brake softly will improve gas mileage, and even better is that it will minimize wear and tear on your car, especially the brake pads and tires. 

If you would like to learn more about improving the gas mileage of your vehicle, please contact a local insurance agency. Don’t forget that saving money on your gas mileage means you’ll have more money to invest in an affordable policy that can best meet your needs. To learn more and find a policy that best suits all of your auto insurance needs, contact Paragon Independent Insurance Agency. We are ready to answer any questions and inquiries you may have. 


Ways to Save on Home Insurance

Whether you call Plano, TX home or you live anywhere else, home insurance is a must. However, wouldn’t it be great if you could lower your home insurance premium? At Paragon Independent Insurance Agency, we are able to point out different ways for you to lower your premiums. this way, you can save more money than ever before. 

Increase Your Deductible

If you don’t like the amount of money you’re paying monthly, look at increasing your deductible. Looking at switching it from $500 to $1,000 can significantly reduce the overall price of insurance. You’ll need to discuss what all this means regarding when insurance kicks in with your provider, but having a higher deductible will almost always guarantee a lower premium payment. 

Subtract Your Land Value

This is a common issue and mistake many people do. After they buy their home they insure it for the price they paid. Makes sense, right? Well, when buying a home, the land value is included in the home. However, should a home need to be replaced, it isn’t necessary to replace the land. So, when finding the right homeowners policy it is best practice to insure just the cost of the home itself and not the home and land value. 

Bundle Services

Insurance providers offer discounts when you bundle different services. This means, if you obtain your home and auto insurance polices from the same company you’ll see a reduction in the amount of money you need to pay for both kinds of insurance. This is all money you save for obtaining the same kind of insurance. 

Disaster Proof Your Home

There are a few ways to reduce your insurance costs. From installing storm shutters to reinforcing the roof with better material, you’ll be surprised what a few upgrades can do to your insurance costs. 

Create Fire and Disaster Recovery Plans for your Business in Dallas

Nobody likes to think about possible fires or disaster situations for their business, but it is an important step in protecting what you have worked so hard to start up. With a well thought out fire and disaster recovery plan, you can get back on your feet quickly and restore what you have lost during this time. The Paragon Independent Insurance Agency is here to help you with some of these plans. Property insurance on your building is a must, as agents can sit down and work with you to make sure you have the very best coverage for your Dallas, TX business. 

Planning for Everything

Murphy’s law suggests if it can happen, it will. That doesn’t mean your building is going to catch on fire or it is going to flood. However, if you don’t plan for the situation, should it happen you might be left with nothing. Starting a second company from scratch, no matter how large or how small, is difficult, financially draining and both you and your employees might be out of work for long periods of time. All of these areas are elements you need to play for. 

Planning for the Business and Your Employees

What would happen if the business had to close for days (or longer) to clean up in the event of a disaster? Will you and your employees be able to survive without any kind of financial income? With the help of Paragon Independent Insurance Agency in Dallas, TX, you can plan for this, have a financial payment plan set up so everyone is able to at least receive some of their usual pay in addition to coverage for the potential disaster itself. 

Planning ahead ensures both your company and your employees are always protected, no matter what might happen in Dallas. 



  • Allstate
  • ASI
  • charity first
  • Chubb
  • Dairyland
  • Encompass
  • Foremost
  • Geico
  • Hagerty
  • Kemper
  • liberty mutual
  • national general
  • Philadelphia
  • Progressive
  • Safeco
  • Texas Mutual
  • TWIA-Texas Windstorn
  • the hartford
  • Travelers
  • US Assure

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