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Paragon Independent Insurance Agencies, Inc

6305 Preston Road #1000
Plano, TX 75024

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I Saw A Car Accident, What Can I Do?

The moment you see a car accident, you are a witness. These can happen all the time in Dallas and you want to be sure to take the best possible action. A lot can be done and below are a few of the steps you should take.

Secure Your Car

Once you decide to help at a car accident, secure your car away from it. Pull off to the side of the road and out of the way, in the event there is a fire, broken glass, or anything else.

Call for Help

Call 9-1-1 as soon as you can. Don’t assume others have called, otherwise it could take longer for help to arrive. Tell the operator where the accident is and what has happened.

Check on Passengers

Check on the drivers and passengers of the accident. Let them know help has been called as it can help to keep them calm. Help those who can move so they can get out of the car. Never move someone who cannot move themselves.

Secure Their Vehicles

Try to secure the vehicles by placing them in park and turning off the ignitions. This can help to prevent further problems. If you can, move them onto the side of the road as well.

Wait for the Police

You should always wait for the police when you can to be able to give them a witness statement. Be as factual as possible. They may ask for your contact information as well, which can be used by the insurance company as well as a lawyer hired by one of the victims.

Call now and speak to an agent at Paragon Independent Insurance Agency to help you find auto insurance you can rely on. We’re here to answer any questions you may have about coverage in TX.


Why You Should Work With Independent Insurance Agents

Independent insurance agents are found throughout Texas. If you want quality coverage at an affordable price, the best thing for you to do is work with an agent that is independent of the different insurance companies that are out there.

This is one thing that many people don’t realize. Independent insurance agents do not work for a specific insurance company. Instead, they work for an agency. They work with all of the different companies and therefore can tell you which ones have the best levels of coverage for your needs and for your budget.

Insurance agents want to get to know who you are. They’re very close knit with the community and are going to advocate for your best needs. They know which companies have the best discounts and which companies to stay away from based upon various aspects of your situation that could otherwise cost you money.

Independent insurance agents can ultimately do with the Internet cannot. They can explain coverage, provide definitions for insurance terms, and guide you through the complicated process of buying insurance. It doesn’t matter whether you need coverage for your home, car, or anything else. Agents can show you how to combine policies, too, in order to save even more money.

The goal should always be to get good coverage at a good price. You may get one or the other shopping online, but ultimately, you don’t know about the insurance trends or about the different forms of coverage. Independent insurance agents do, and they can help you.

Call now and one of our friendly agents at Paragon Independent Insurance Agency can work with you on all of your insurance needs in Plano. We can get quotes from top insurance companies in Texas and answer any questions you may have about coverage.



What to Know About Insurance and Gifting a Car

The holidays are a wonderful time to give the gift of a car. However, it may not be as simple as you think it is. There’s more entailed than just driving the car into the person’s driveway and handing them the keys. You’re presenting them with a responsibility, and it entails a great deal on both parties’ parts. 

Financial Obligations

Although you’re paying for the car, the financial obligation goes beyond that. There are insurance premiums that must be paid. The policy must meet the state’s minimum requirements. You must decide if you’re going to pay for the premiums as part of the present or if the other person is financially responsible. Make sure you keep in mind if the person is capable of making the premiums. 

Just like insurance premium requirements, each state has its own laws in regards to taxes associated with receiving a gift of a vehicle. That means, the giftee may have to pay taxes.

The person may have other expenses as well such as a fee to park the automobile in his or her residence. And then there are the inevitable maintenance fees. You need to take this all into consideration before being generous. 


In Plano, TX, a person must register a vehicle. That means you’ll need first to put it in your name and transfer it if you want it to be a surprise. There are fees associated with registering and transferring. 


The car requires insurance, which means you may need to put it in your name. You have to take into consideration your driving history. 

Buying a car seems like a wonderful holiday present, but there is more involved. Make sure you know the person’s situation, and you know your state’s laws, especially involving insurance. 

Contact Paragon Independent Insurance Agency at 972-473-4813 today to get quote if you’re planning on giving a four-wheeled gift.


Don’t Let an Accident Cast a Shadow on Your Halloween Party

Halloween has become a major holiday that’s known for candy and costumes. At Paragon Independent Insurance Agency, we expect there to be many Halloween parties in Plano, TX on October 31. If you’re planning to host one at your home, we have a few tips for keeping accident-free.

Reducing the Risk of Accidents

You won’t be able to prevent every accident, but keeping safety in mind can help reduce the chances of there being an accident during your party. Here are a few specific suggestions:

  • keep the areas where people will be walking well lit
  • don’t leave knives where children can get them (especially if you’re carving pumpkins)
  • enjoy any adult beverages at your party responsibly

Keeping your party safe doesn’t have to detract from fun activities. As long as you exercise a little caution, everyone at your party should be able to have a good time and stay safe.

Protecting Against Unforeseen Accidents

As mentioned, however, you can’t prevent every accident. Even with the safest precautions, something may happen at your party.

To protect yourself if there is an accident at your party, check your liability coverage. Most homeowners have liability coverage through their home insurance. Policies and coverages vary, but your home insurance’s liability coverage may provide financial protection if there is a covered accident on your property during a party.

If you don’t know whether you have liability coverage, contact us at Paragon Independent Insurance Agency. Our independent insurance agents can help you find liability coverage if you don’t have it, and they can help you assess your policy’s protection if you already have it. To get in touch with them, send us a message through our website.


Don’t Fall for These Life Insurance Myths in Plano, TX

There are various life insurance myths that need to be busted. Life insurance can be a very useful resource, particularly in the event that you pass before you are financially prepared. It gives your family a chance to regain momentum and have the money that is needed to do so.

One of the top myths is that you may be too young for life insurance. There is no perfect age to purchase life insurance. The reality is that life insurance may be more affordable for you when you are in your 30s or 40s. This is because you are generally in better health when you are younger.

Another myth is that term life insurance is the best option. While term is good in some instances, it is not always the best. You will want to compare it to universal and whole life insurance and see if one of the other options is better, particularly because of the associated cash value.

Another myth is that it is always cheapest to purchase life insurance online. While there many resources available online, it can be effective to work with an independent insurance agent in order to learn about all of the different options and receive quotes for comparison purposes.

You can also be in poor health and still get a policy. You don’t have to rely solely on an employer-provided policy. It’s possible to have more than one policy for yourself in order to provide protection.

At Paragon Independent Insurance Agency, we look forward to helping you find insurance you can count on. Call and speak to an agent today to discuss life insurance possibilities in Plano, Texas. This will allow us to work with you on an individual level to break through the myths and determine what coverage is best for you.



Shop Around for Insurance After Your Wedding and You Might Save

After getting married, there are lots of things to do. One item that should be on your to-do list if you’ve recently tied the knot is shopping around for new insurance policies. Once you’re married, you may be able to find insurance discounts that you previously didn’t qualify for.

You May Qualify for Multi-Policy Discounts

After getting married, you may qualify for several different discounts. One of the main ones to look at is multi-policy discounts.

Many insurers offer to reduce their premiums to customers who have more than one policy with them. Once you’re wed, you and your spouse share an account. You’ll likely have multiple policies with the same insurer — even if you each have only one insurance policy with them.

The amount you might save with a multi-policy discount could be a few dollars, or it might be a lot of money. It’ll depend on your insurance premiums and how large a discount an insurer offers. Most multi-policy discounts are percentage based, so the higher your premiums are and the larger the percent off is, the more you’ll save.

Insurance Agents Quickly Compare Discounts

Shopping around for the best multi-policy discount available in Plano, TX doesn’t have to take long. At Paragon Independent Insurance Agency, our agents can quickly compare several different insurers policies to which company’s multi-policy discount is the best. As our name says, we’re an independent insurance agency, therefore our agents can look at any insurance policy offered in Texas.

To reach one of our independent insurance agents, simply contact us through our website or call our office. One of our agents will quickly get back to you and help you find an insurer that has a large multi-policy discount you can take advantage of.


Summers In Plano: How To Protect Your Pooch

It is no surprise that summers in Plano can be very hot. You need to know how to protect your pooch so that your dog is comfortable and well as protected. By following a few tips it will be easy to do this, and your dog will thank you for it.

Exercise Times

Remember that you need to be conscious about exercise times. The hottest part of the day is the worst time for your dog to be outside exercising. Allow your dog to exercise during the morning hours or in the evening, and even then use shade as a way to give them a break.

Paw Protection

Concrete is never good on anyone’s feet – and this includes the paws of your dog. Go to the pet store and purchase booties or some kind of paw protection, such as adhesive pads, so that your dog can walk along the pavement without burning paws.


Keep your dog hydrated at all times. This includes providing access to water nonstop, using wet food in combination with dry food during feeding times, and knowing the signs of overheating. If your dog is starting to pant excessively, it’s time to cool him down and give him a drink.

Bug Control

Many people forget that there are a lot of bugs outside during the summer months. You can do a lot to protect your pooch by making a visit to the veterinarian to talk about prevention medication. This includes protecting against threats such as fleas and ticks as well as heartworm, which can be transmitted by a mosquito bite.

Call us at Paragon Independent Insurance Agency today to learn more about how we can help you with home insurance and keeping everyone in your home safe. We can help you find the most affordable policy in Plano.



Safely Driving with Passengers in Plano: Teen Driving Tips

When it comes to getting your license for the first time, do you remember how you felt? You were probably really excited, and this is exactly how your teen feels right now. With all the excitement that’s going on, your teen is likely forgetting about the positive driving habits you have been enforcing over the past few months. So what are you to do? The best thing you can do is to continue instilling these same habits. From making sure your teen isn’t texting and driving to constantly telling them to drive the speed limit, there are many ways to encourage your child to be a better driver. 

As a parent, you have the say-so on how many passengers your teen can have in the car. For the first few months after getting a driver’s license, it’s important that no more than one passenger be in the car at any given time. Any more than one passenger will lead to many distractions, thus increasing the chances that your teen will have a car wreck. 

One of the best ways you can make sure that you’re teen is driving safe is by installing a parental control app on their smartphone. In doing this, you can control your teen’s phone so that he isn’t able to use the phone when driving. You can also use the features to locate your teen, meaning you can make sure that your teen is really doing what he said he would be doing. 

If you would like to learn more about teen driving and how you can keep your teen driver as safe as possible, please don’t hesitate to contact Paragon Independent Insurance Agency today. 

What Does it Take to Stay Awake Behind the Wheel

Going on a long road trip often requires multiple drivers. Ideally, a new driver is needed every two hours, so a six hour road trip would need at least two drivers who can swap places every couple of hours. But what happens when it’s just you going on a long trip? How are you supposed to keep yourself awake? 

For starters, you should always know when it’s time to pull over. And in regards to pulling over, it’s not safe to just pull over on the side of the road. Instead, you need to pull over in a rest area or go to a hotel. Pulling over for a quick cat nap can do wonders for helping you stay awake. 

It’s also important that you eat and drink healthy foods and beverages. Alcohol should of course be avoided because it’s illegal to drink and drive, and alcohol also makes you sleepy. When it comes to eating, you should chose foods full of protein. 

If you like the taste of coffee, you can always drink it to help you stay awake, but do keep in mind that when drinking large amounts of any type of fluid, you will likely have to make several stops to use the bathroom. 

No matter where you’re going, you should do your best to bring along a companion who can drive when you get tired and vice versa. With the help of at least one other driver, long distance trips seem a lot shorter. And not to forget that having an extra person to drive will allow you to sleep for a bit in between your turns to drive. 

To learn more tips about staying awake when driving, contact a reputable insurance agent serving the Plano, TX. 

Is it Cost Effective to Buy Flood Insurance?

In Plano, you are situated near a variety of lakes. This includes Lewisville Lake to the west,  and Lake Ray Roberts and Lavon Lake to the east. If there is any kind of flooding that occurs as a result of too much rain or an overflow of these lakes, your home could be in danger.

It can be very expensive to make repairs to your home after a flood. The water may have damaged the exterior of your home, drywall, carpeting, and more. It may have also damaged furniture and other belongings.

Homeowners have gone bankrupt trying to make these repairs and you don’t want to fall into the same problems. This is why it is cost effective to buy flood insurance. Your homeowner’s insurance policy doesn’t provide this coverage and you don’t want to be without it, especially because of where you are located in Texas.

Flood insurance policies can be very affordable and provide you with significant amounts of protection. This way, if your home does suffer from a flood, you can make a call to file a claim. From there, you can obtain the needed funds to make the repairs to your home and replace what has been damaged from the flood.

You can afford flood insurance, especially when you work with an agent who is going to help you find the best policy.

At Paragon Insurance Agencies, we can help you to find a policy that is affordable. We will talk to you about levels of coverage, make comparisons between the different insurance companies, and answer any questions that you may have. This will ensure you have the coverage needed to protect your property against any loss that could occur.

Call and talk to one of our independent agents about flood insurance in Plano today! It is a call you can’t afford not to make.




  • Allstate
  • ASI
  • charity first
  • Chubb
  • Dairyland
  • Encompass
  • Foremost
  • Geico
  • Hagerty
  • Kemper
  • liberty mutual
  • national general
  • Philadelphia
  • Progressive
  • Safeco
  • Texas Mutual
  • TWIA-Texas Windstorn
  • the hartford
  • Travelers
  • US Assure

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