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Paragon Independent Insurance Agencies, Inc

6305 Preston Road #1000
Plano, TX 75024

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5 Things The Best Car Insurance Agents Can Help With

Plano, TX offers a lot for residents. It is within 20 miles from Dallas and this means that many people commute back and forth for work. It is part of the metropolitan Dallas area and this also provides plenty of shopping centers, restaurants, and more. Home values are higher here than in other parts of the state, though incomes are as well.

When you want to purchase car insurance, it’s important to work with the best agents as they can help you with a number of things.

1. Learning about the options

There are many options when you look at car insurance. There are requirements in TX that you must have in terms of liability, but there are ways to add to the coverage you have as well.

2. Exploring coverage

Liability is a must, though you can also look for quotes that include comprehensive and collision coverage so you are protected against all of it in 75024.

3. Identifying ways to save

There may be all sorts of ways for you to save. Our agents in Plano can look at associations you belong to, look at the safety features on your car, and much more.

4. Making comparisons

We are independent agents. Throughout the 75024 area, we can find multiple companies for car insurance to ensure you learn about what all of the various competitors have to offer.

5. Finding the best rates

We also find the best rates so you can be confident you have the best that Plano, TX has to offer in terms of an affordable premium.

Call and talk to one of our best car insurance agents today. We can answer questions you have about a policy and ensure you get the best rate that’s available for you and your car.

What Do I Need To Know About Insurance When My Child Gets A Learner’s Permit?

Texas is the largest state in the country in terms of land mass. It is known for such history as The Alamo and has a number of metropolitan areas. Plenty of things exist to do within the state, including white water rafting, hiking, horseback riding, rodeos, and city tours.

When your child gets a learners permit within the state, there are things you need to know about car insurance. It is likely that your child is going to get behind the wheel of your car for learning purposes and therefore your insurance needs to be updated.

If your child were to get into an accident with a leaner’s permit and it’s not updated as such on your car insurance policy, there is a strong possibility of the claim being denied. You don’t want this to happen as and therefore our agents can work with you.

Throughout Texas, there are state requirements for obtaining a learner’s permit. There are also minimum liability levels to have on car insurance. When you work with our agents, we can guide you through the process and ensure your insurance doesn’t skyrocket when you add your child to the policy.

We can talk to you about the importance of adding liability coverage above and beyond the state minimums. Anyone with a learner’s permit is at a higher risk of being involved in an accident simply because they are new to the driving experience. Our goal is to help you get the car insurance you need while still making it affordable.

Call us today and let us begin searching for insurance quotes. This will make it easier to compare rates and make an informed decision as to the policy that will cover you and your child in the most effective way possible.


Certified Commercial Insurance Agents in Dallas, TX

You started up a work at home business and everything is going well. You want to expand in such a way that sets you up for long term success. One of the necessary parts of growing a successful business is protecting your finances with insurance.

Commercial insurance helps you in many liability issues surrounding your business. You are at risk of customers and clients suing you based on several factors. If someone gets hurt when they go to a meeting with you, if it involves a business meeting then it’s likely it’s covered under a commercial claim and not a personal insurance claim.

You have many points of liability when it comes to your products. One of the most important types of coverage you can get is product liability insurance. Lawsuits for injury and wrongful death relating to products can range in the millions. Even if you’re an incredibly successful work at home business, you probably don’t have that much money laying around.

What if you provide services instead of products? You still have some risk of a lawsuit, although it’s harder for the client to show that there was damage caused by your services. If you want to protect yourself from that type of lawsuit, errors and omissions insurance is key.

Commercial insurance comes in many forms, so you can pick and choose the policies that best fit the business situation. One of the must-haves is commercial property insurance, as homeowners insurance generally doesn’t cover business equipment or loss.

Talk with our insurance agents in Dallas, TX to find out all of the commercial insurance options that work for your home based business.

Can Insurance be Transferred to a New Vehicle in Garland, TX?

Auto insurance cannot be automatically transferred from one vehicle to another, because the value of the vehicle being insured directly affects the premiums you must pay. Even if insurance could be transferred automatically, it is often a good idea to shop around for new policy when purchasing a new car, as insurers will calculate the cost of insuring your new vehicle differently. For help finding insurance for your new car, contact one of our insurance agents in Garland, TX.

New Car Insurance Rates

Your premiums will likely increase when purchasing a new car, because the value of the asset that is being insured has increased. Should there be a claim, your insurance company will have to pay more money to repair or replace your new car than they would have had to for your former vehicle.

While the total cost of your insurance will probably go up, shopping for a new policy through one of our independent agents can help keep any increase minimal. As independent agents, our agents are able to look up quotes from all the major insurers that offer auto policies in Texas. They are able to find you the lowest rates possible, no matter what company is offering them. Our agents will also make sure you take advantage of any possible discounts that are available, such as multiple-policy, accident-free and security device discounts.

Finding New Insurance is Easy with Our Agents

Because our agents live and work in Garland, they are familiar with the businesses in the area – especially the car dealerships. Chances are they know the people who sold you your new car. This personal connection makes finding an auto policy for your new vehicle simple, because any questions can be answered with a simple call to a colleague at the dealership. Make your auto insurance shopping experience easy by contacting one of our agents today.

Types of Insurance Available in Carrollton, TX

Choosing an auto insurance policy can be more challenging that it seems. If you really want to find the best coverage for your Carrollton, TX vehicle and the drivers in your family, you know you’ll want more than just the cheapest minimum coverage available. You can compare quotes from a variety of companies here on our website, but deciding on the exact types of coverage to protect your investment isn’t always easy. These tips will help.

Know the Major Insurance Types

As your Carrollton independent agents, we routinely answer a lot of questions about the types of coverage available to drivers in this area. Here’s what you need to know about the main coverage types.


This is the type of insurance required by state law. It pays damages to other drivers who are injured or suffer property damage as a result of your actions, but it won’t typically pay for damages to your vehicle or your medical expenses if you’re injured in an accident.

Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist

This type of insurance protects you against damages from accidents in which a driver without sufficient insurance was at fault. It typically pays for property damage and bodily injury damages up to specific maximum amounts.


Collision coverage insures your vehicle against property damage in almost any collision with another vehicle or object, essentially paying for your own property damages.


Comprehensive coverage insures your vehicle against risks unrelated to driving. Most comprehensive policies cover damage caused by hail, wind, vandalism, theft of items inside your car, and similar risks.

Deciding Which Coverage is Right for You

If you’re still not sure which types of coverage are worth your money, feel free to stop by and talk to one of our agents. They’d love to help you find a combination of coverages to keep your vehicles well-protected under a policy that fits your budget.

Home Insurance Options Available in Texas

The Texas Department of Insurance has a wealth of useful information to help home owners learn about their homeowners insurance options. It's easy to get confused when so much information is presented at one time. We want to clarify some things so you can bring a list of questions with you when you come to talk to your independent agent.


Distinctions Between All Risk and Named Perils Home Insurance Options


When it comes to age-old clichés, “you get what you pay for” is very applicable when talking about homeowners insurance options. Higher insurance premiums translate into more comprehensive coverage.


All Risk Policies


An All Risk homeowners insurance policy is to home insurance what major medical is to health insurance. It is your most comprehensive homeowners insurance option. It covers you for any peril unless the policy specifically excludes it.


Named Perils


To return to the health insurance analogies, think of named perils as the homeowners insurance equivalent to health insurance that only covers you for hospitalization. You wouldn't be covered for doctor's visits, physical exams, routine screening tests and that sort of thing. Named perils only protects you for the situations specified in the policy.


Replacement Cost or Actual Cash Value?


People often get confused about the difference between replacement cost and actual cash value. You pay more for replacement cost, but it doesn't matter what the cost of replacing your personal property is, because it's covered.


Likewise, if your house is seriously damaged, or destroyed, unless you opted for replacement cost, you probably wouldn't be able to get enough money back from the insurance company to repair the damages, or rebuild your home.


Actual cash value policies look at the value of your home and property when you bought them. Like a car and other things, everything depreciates over time, because of wear and tear and general use.


Actual cash value policies subtract the depreciation from the amount you paid for your home and property. If you bought your home 20 years ago, the cost was a lot lower than what you'd pay for it today, and that's the figure the company looks at if you choose the actual cash value option over replacement cost.


Take the time to compare your homeowners insurance options online, and then contact us to talk about your situation. We will help you look at different coverage options to find the right one for you and your family.

What is Coverage C of a Homeowners policy in Addison, TX

Coverage C is the part of a home insurance policy that protects personal property. Often, the limit of this coverage is automatically set to 70 percent of the limit on the dwelling. For example, if your home in Addison, TX is worth $300,000, then your Coverage C limit for personal property is probably $210,000. Every insurance policy, though, has other limits and exclusions listed in the policy’s Coverage C section. Here are some typical ones to look for.

Excluded Items that are Not Insured

There are a number of items that are specifically excluded from personal belongings, regardless of their value. Some common examples include:

  • business data and equipment
  • vehicles, boats and airplanes
  • pets
  • any tenant’s belongings, if the property is rented

Items that are Insured to a Certain Value

Some items are insured, but only up to a certain value. Each insurance company has different limits, but they all set limits on how much they will reimburse for the loss of jewelry, money, firearms and silverware, among other things. If your policy does not provide the full value of any of these belongings, riders are available to supplement your coverage.

Items Not at Home

The Schedule C section of your homeowners policy also provides coverage while you are away from your primary residence in Addison. While this coverage protects your belongings at someone else’s home, in a hotel room or at your ranch, the level of coverage is greatly diminished.

Complement Your Policy with Riders

Riders provide supplementary coverage for any items that are not fully insured by your Schedule C. Because these items are often highly valuable, it is best to purchase riders directly through an insurance agent, rather than online. Give one of our agents a call, so we can review your Schedule C and go over your belongings. If you need one, we are able to set you up with a rider.

Will Home Insurance Policy Cover Exotic Pets in Dallas, TX

Homeowners insurance generally covers common pets, such as dogs and cats (although some policies exclude certain breeds of dogs). Many home insurance policies will not cover damage caused by an exotic pet, though. If you have an unusual friend, you are probably in one of the following scenarios.

Domesticated, But Different

You may have a domesticated animal, but one that is not a common household pet. Horses, pigs, peacocks and llamas are all examples of animals in this category. Depending on the specific animal you have and your insurance policy, these animals may or may not be covered. If they are not covered, you are probably able to purchase a rider for them.

Truly Exotic Creatures

Perhaps you have a more exotic non-human friend, such as a big game cat or chimpanzee. These animals are often not covered by Texas homeowners insurance policies, because they are not fully domesticated. Your insurer may offer a rider for them, or you might have to purchase a spate policy for your exotic animal.

Exotic – And Illegal

Some people, sadly, keep animals at home that are illegal. In Dallas, residents are prohibited from keeping roosters, poisonous snakes, rheas, ostriches, bears, wolves, large cats, primates, deer, antelope, camels and bison within city limits. If you have one of these animals at home, your policy will almost certainly not provide coverage–because you are breaking the law.

Find Coverage for Your Friend

To find coverage for your exotic friend, wither furry, feathery or slithery, get in touch with one of our agents over the phone. Because coverage for these animals is so specific, finding a suitable policy requires a conversation with a licensed agent.

Licensed Insurance Company in Texas

Insurance is one of those huge decisions that people try their best not to think about. The whole concept of insurance involves accepting the fact that something bad could happen to you, your car, your home or something else you own. Most people have serious problems with that idea, so it’s not surprising that they put so little thought into the companies,agents and policies they choose. But the particular company you choose can have a huge impact on your current budget and how you recover from a disaster, so it’s a good idea to choose the best and most reputable one you can.

One key thing to look for when selecting an insurance company is their licensing. In the state of Texas. Insurance companies in Texas are regulated by the Texas Department of Insurance and any reputable insurance company should be authorized by them to do business in the state. Beyond that, you of course want to make sure that the company offers the particular insurance products you need and has competitive rates on the particular coverage you’re looking for. It is also sometimes a good idea to check out the company with the Better Business Bureau or various online review sites to see what their reputation is like.

If you’re in in the market for any kind of insurance and you’re having trouble finding the right company to provide it, perhaps you should consider an independent agent. As your local independent agent, we can help you to find the licensed insurance company in Texas that carries the exact coverage you need. Even better, if you’re shopping for home or auto insurance, you can compare quotes right on our website to be sure that you’re getting the best deal.

Best RV Insurance in Balch Springs, TX

Your RV gets you from one end of Texas to the other in the kind of comfort you could only dream of before you picked up your motorhome. Now you know what all the fuss was about, because no hotel is going to beat the benefit of bringing along your own motorized home and keeping familiar comfort and amenities around. You won’t have to worry about finding a comfortable bed when you just have to walk a few steps in your RV. While the RV has plenty of benefits, you also want to make sure that you have a sufficient amount of RV coverage on your vehicle so you don’t run into any problems when you’re out on the road.

RV insurance is not the exact same as auto insurance, although you may get away with only having auto insurance on your RV for some time. However, auto insurance only covers damage to the RV and theft of the vehicle. It doesn’t cover what happens to anything contained in the vehicle, or issues that happen when the vehicle is left in storage when you aren’t driving it around on vacation. Additionally, if your RV is inoperable in the middle of a vacation, you need an alternative so that you don’t have to give up and go on home.

RV coverage provides all of this so that you can enjoy your RV to the fullest. It combines aspects of different insurance policies, along with some features all on its own, in order to really protect the recreational vehicle properly. Talk to Balch Springs, TX insurance agents to find out how much this is going to end up costing you, and how competitive the RV insurance quotes are.



  • Allstate
  • ASI
  • charity first
  • Chubb
  • Dairyland
  • Encompass
  • Foremost
  • Geico
  • Hagerty
  • Kemper
  • liberty mutual
  • national general
  • Philadelphia
  • Progressive
  • Safeco
  • Texas Mutual
  • TWIA-Texas Windstorn
  • the hartford
  • Travelers
  • US Assure

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