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What is the Difference Between Split-Limit Liability Coverage and Single-Limit Liability Coverage in Dallas / Fort Worth, Texas?

When you are looking at liability coverage in Dallas / Fort Worth, Texas for your car, it is important to recognize the difference between a single limit plan and a split limit plan. Auto insurance coverage provides the opportunity to select the plan that is most appropriate for personal concerns.

Split Limit

A split limit plan is a type of insurance coverage that splits up the liability protection into three basic categories: coverage for individual injuries, maximum injury protection and property damage. The policy will provide a certain amount of protection for every person involved in an accident, a maximum amount for total injury coverage and a set amount for damage to the vehicles. In most cases, the injury protection is the majority of the policy while the limit for property protection per accident is a lower amount.

Single Limit Plans

A single limit policy is a type of combined policy. Instead of splitting up the coverage into separate types of liability concerns, the policy has a maximum protection plan for each accident in a single amount. For example, if the total liability coverage is $100,000 per accident, then that amount will cover injuries and property damage.

The key difference is whether the protection plan is split into more than one category or if the policy only has a single amount that covers the entire accident.

Making the decision to split up your liability protection or keep it in a single amount is ultimately dependent on your goals and concerns. In both situations, you are protected from the cost of medical expenses and property damage, but the amount of protection may vary. To learn more about protecting your car, contact us to talk to an independent agent today.

Can I Exclude A Family Member from my Auto Insurance Policy to Lower my Premium or Avoid It Being Canceled in Dallas / Fort Worth, Texas?

When you want to obtain a low premium on your car insurance policy in Dallas / Fort Worth, Texas, it may be tempting to remove certain family members from your current policy. When a family member is excluded from the auto policy, it may help lower your premiums, but it is only appropriate if that individual is not driving the car.

Preventing Cancellation

If your concern is related to a cancellation because a family member got into an accident, the premium is too high to manage or another situation has arisen that is putting you at risk, you may wonder about excluding an individual from the policy.

Depending on the situation, excluding a family member might be appropriate. The only time it is appropriate to exclude an individual from your policy is when they are not driving the car. If they drive and live in the same house, then they must be under the current policy.

Lowering the Premium

As long as the individual is not driving the car, excluding them from the policy may result in a lower premium. It can have a dramatic impact on the premium if the individual is considered a high risk driver, but the impact may be limited if they are a good driver and have never been involved in an accident.

Although it may be tempting to remove a family member from a current auto insurance policy, it is not always possible. In many cases, it may be better to try finding a new insurance provider who offers more competitive prices. If you want to learn more about insurance options in Texas, contact us to talk to an independent agent today.

What types of documents have to be Submitted for a Claim from a House Burglary in Dallas / Fort Worth, Texas?

Making a claim of burglary in Dallas / Fort Worth, Texas requires the right documentation to prove your claim and ensure that your insurer will give you the assistance that you need. Although the specific paperwork that you need may vary, homeowners insurance will usually cover burglary that happens in your home.

Proof of Purchase

Documents that prove ownership of the item that you are claiming are necessary to determine the appropriate replacement value. Depending on the type of insurance plan that you have, the amount of funds you receive for the items may vary.

Provide documents that show that you purchased the item and how much it cost.

Proof of Value

If the items that were stolen do not have proof of purchase, then documentation showing how much it was worth and that you owned the item may be appropriate. This type of paperwork is appropriate when you have an heirloom or an item that increases in value, such as jewelry.

Proof of the Crime

Before you make a claim on your insurance, call the police and put in a formal police report. A police officer will document any damage to your home from the break in and the items that are missing when you make the report. You can ask for a copy of the report to send your insurer as soon as the police have documented your claim.

When you are facing a crime in your house, repairing the damage and replacing your belongings may require a claim through your insurance provider. Fortunately, you can provide documents that prove that your belongings were stolen and the value of those items. To learn more about making a claim on your insurance, contact us to talk to an independent agent.

What if During my Commute to my Office Via Public Transportation my Personal Laptop gets Lost, Stolen, or Damaged? Would it be Covered by my Home Insurance Policy, in Dallas / Fort Worth, Texas?

Using public transport options in Dallas / Fort Worth, Texas may provide some level of convenience, but it may also result in a lost, stolen or damaged laptop if you carry your electronic devices to your office. Fortunately, it is likely that your homeowners insurance policy will cover your belongings, even if they are not in the house.

Basic Policies

In many cases, a homeowners policy will provide protection for your personal belongings. The amount of protection available under your policy may vary, but it is usually a percentage of the coverage amount.

Even though certain belongings, like a laptop or tablet, may leave the house, your policy may still cover the item when it is damaged or stolen during your commute.

Potential Variation

Although the basic plan may cover belongings that are taken out of the house, each insurer and plan is different. It is possible that your laptop may not be covered if it falls under an exception or clause in your current plan.

Since there is potential variation between different insurers and plans, read through your policy to determine how much coverage is available, whether electronics are covered and if there is an exception that prevents you from making a claim on your policy when belongings are damaged, lost or stolen during a public commute.

While it is possible that your current plan may have an exception or clause that prevents you from making a claim, it is more likely that you are covered under a homeowners insurance policy. To learn more about protecting your personal belongings, contact us to speak to an independent agent today.

I am Moving from Dallas / Fort Worth, Texas to Another State. Can I Continue my Policy with my Insurance Company?

When you are moving from Dallas / Fort Worth, Texas and you plan to move to another state, your auto insurance requirements may change. Although it is best to maintain your current car insurance plan until you move, it may be necessary to make changes to your policy or to change your insurance provider after your move.

Different State Laws

A key reason that you may not be able to continue your current policy is the variation between laws in different states. Every state has a different minimum insurance requirement, so the amount of coverage you have in Texas may not be appropriate when you move to a different state.

Company Limitations

Although the state laws may impact your coverage requirements, it is not the only factor that may prevent you from maintaining your current plan. Some insurers do not provide coverage in different states. If your current policy is through a smaller insurance company, then the company may not have coverage options for the new state where you move.

Due to the variation in state laws, some insurers will only provide coverage to specific locations or states. If your insurer is a national company, then it may be possible to maintain your coverage and ask the company to adjust it to meet any differences between state laws so that you do not need to change your plan.

Moving to a new state means that you need to make adjustments to your current auto policy. Fortunately, it is possible to make adjustments so that you meet or exceed the new state laws by contacting an insurer and asking for a new quote. If you want to learn more about your auto coverage options, then contact us today to talk to an independent agent.

What does my auto insurance policy cover if personal items are stolen from my vehicle in Dallas, TX?

Your Dallas – Fort Worth, Texas auto insurance policy is intended to replace your car or cover damage done to your car in the event it is stolen. However, it is not intended to ensure personal property that happened to be inside the car at that time. To find out why, it’s important to understand how your auto insurance coverage works in the event of a theft.

The comprehensive portion of your auto insurance policy takes care of non-accident-related losses such as auto theft, but such coverage only extends to the actual vehicle. In the majority of cases, your comprehensive coverage won’t help you replace personal property left in the vehicle. If you had a cell phone, music player, laptop or any other personal item in your vehicle at the time it was stolen, chances are your comprehensive coverage won’t cover it.

Fortunately, your homeowner’s insurance or renter’s insurance policy may cover your losses, provided you have receipts or other proof of purchase and/or ownership. Some auto insurance companies even offset the higher deductible of a homeowner’s or renter’s insurance policy by offering a limited amount of coverage for your personal property.

Given the Dallas – Fort Worth, Texas area’s higher-than-average property crime rates, the best way to protect yourself is to avoid leaving valuable items in your car, if possible. If you have to bring along valuable items, make sure they are well-hidden from view. For more valuable information, don’t hesitate to contact us to speak to your independent agent.

Disclamer: The content of these blogs do not represent any type of specific coverage’s offered by the agency.



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  • ASI
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  • Travelers
  • US Assure

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