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Paragon Independent Insurance Agencies, Inc

6305 Preston Road #1000
Plano, TX 75024

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Six Steps to Take Immediately After a Home Disaster.

Part of owning a home is always being prepared for the unprepared. No one wants to experience a home disaster, but it can happen when you least expect it. That’s why it’s important to know what steps to take immediately following a disaster. If you find yourself in the aftermath of one in Plano, TX, follow these six steps from Paragon Independent Insurance Agency.

1. Check for injuries and call for medical help if needed.

Your home is important, but the safety and well-being of your family come first. Assess the situation, and determine if anyone needs help immediately.

2. Survey the damage and list what needs to be repaired or replaced.

It’s good to take some inventory to see what needs fixed or replaced because you’ll have a better idea of your insurance claim.

3. Ask for help

Having a reliable source for help is important because trying to do everything on your own can be overwhelming. In a time of need, contact other family members or your insurance company to get assistance. 

4. Beware of potential hazards

Many potential dangers come with a home disaster, so it’s important to be aware of your surroundings. Be cautious of loose wires, gas leaks, and damaged structural elements.

5. Start the cleaning process

The sooner you can start cleaning up, the better. Not only will this help you get your life back to normal, but it will also help prevent further damage.

6. Call your insurance company

Your insurance company will be a valuable resource during this time, so don’t hesitate to give them a call. They can help you navigate the claims process and get you the right help in Plano, TX.

If you find yourself in the aftermath of a home disaster, following these steps will help you get your life back on track. And if you’re looking for a reliable and trustworthy insurance company to help you through this difficult time, look no further than Paragon Independent Insurance Agency. We’re here every step of the way.

The Impact Commercial Insurance Has on the Protection of Your Company’s Assets

Commercial insurance plays a vital role in protecting your business and its assets. Think about your business and everything it relies on to function. It would help if you thought about things such as your buildings and structures, equipment, data, computer systems, and more. It can be both tangible and intangible assets that play a role in your company’s success. These assets are all things that commercial insurance can protect for any Plano, TX business. The Paragon Independent Insurance Agency team is in a position to help you understand the value of commercial insurance in more detail.

What Does Commercial Insurance Protect?

There are so many ways in which commercial insurance will protect your company’s assets. These different variables can all appear at any given time, resulting in immense losses.

Some examples of ways commercial insurance protects assets include:

  • Theft and vandalism – In the event you have theft at your company, commercial insurance can help you recoup the losses
  • Physical damage – Physical damage as a result of a covered loss or accident gets coverage
  • Bodily injury – In the event of an employee or customer injury, bodily injury coverage will help make things right.

Other examples of commercial insurance protection include medical payments coverage, collision coverage, and cyber coverage.  

As a consumer in Plano, TX, you need to understand all the ways commercial insurance can have a positive impact. Work with the Paragon Independent Insurance Agency team to better grasp your company’s needs and the protection a commercial insurance binder can provide.

What value will come with a home insurance plan in Texas?

Plano, TX has continued to be an area of the country experiencing a lot of growth. This has made this part of Texas a great place to own a home. If you purchase a property when you are here, it would be a good idea to obtain the proper insurance. A home insurance plan will provide various forms of value, making it a great option. 

Coverage for Your Assets

A basic form of coverage that will always come with a home insurance plan is coverage for your assets. If you invest in a property, you will be making a significant long-term investment that you will want to have paid off. At the same time, you will also have various personal assets that you will want to cover. A home insurance plan will provide the coverage you need to protect your personal assets. 

Mitigate Personal Liability Risks

A property owner will also take on some personal liability risks by owning a home. You could be held liable for accidents that occur on your property. As this is an ongoing and unpredictable risk, having coverage to protect against it is always a good idea. If you get a home insurance policy, it will offer protection against this concern. 

If you choose to purchase a home in the Plano, TX area, it would be a great idea to get the right insurance for it. When you are going to purchase a home, Paragon Independent Insurance Agency can help you build the right insurance policy. Paragon Independent Insurance Agency will give you any guidance you need to understand your options when protecting your home. 

Do I need commercial insurance if I have a small business?

The entrepreneurial spirit of the residents of Plano, TX, is exemplary, which is why numerous small businesses exist here. However, many small business owners haven’t purchased commercial insurance for their enterprises because they assume it’s only necessary for large-scale firms. It’s vital that you get commercial insurance if you have a small business. Here are some of the commercial coverages that Paragon Independent Insurance Agency recommends you get in the commercial insurance for your small business.

 General Liability Coverage

General liability coverage should be a priority coverage in your commercial insurance. This coverage will protect your small enterprise from claims arising from property damage or bodily injury to a third party on your business premises. For instance, if a client visits your business premises, falls, suffers a back injury, and breaks their laptop. General liability coverage will replace the customer’s laptop and pay their medical bills for their bank injury treatment.

Commercial Vehicle Insurance

This coverage protects cars used by your enterprise for work purposes, such as your delivery vans. It can include property damage liability, property damage liability, medical payments, and uninsured motorist coverages. Some commercial vehicle policies allow non-owned auto coverage, which protects your enterprise if your employees often use their personal cars for work-related errands. You need the non-owned auto coverage because your employees’ auto policy won’t cover liability emerging from utilizing their vehicle for business operations.

Home-Based Business Insurance

If you are among the Plano, TX, entrepreneurs who run their businesses from home, you need home-based business insurance. This is because your homeowners’ insurance won’t cover the liability that arises from your home-based business operations. You will violate the terms of your homeowners’ insurance if you decide to run a commercial enterprise from your home without informing your insurer.

Welcome to Paragon Independent Insurance Agency; we offer the best small business commercial insurance in Plano, TX.

What Are The Different Types Of Auto Insurance Fraud?

Auto insurance fraud can be committed by or against the policyholder. Committing auto insurance fraud can result in your claim being rejected, your policy being canceled, and even your prosecution. Here are the different types of auto insurance fraud you should be aware of as a Plano, TX resident.

1. Falsely reporting a stolen vehicle

This fraud involves the policyholder falsely reporting a claim of a stolen vehicle under comprehensive coverage to get a payout. A policyholder who sells, intentionally abandons, or destroys their car to make a false stolen vehicle claim will likely face severe penalties such as jail time.

2. Staged Accident

Staged accident fraud is a reasonably common auto insurance fraud, with drivers continuously devising ways to stage accidents and make payout claims. The fraud may involve the driver in front of you abruptly slamming their brake so that you unavoidably rear-end them. Other drivers go to the extent of planting witnesses who will provide false information testifying that you were at fault.

3. Over-Valuing

This fraud is where the policyholder overstates the value of their car, equipment, or property to get higher compensation from the auto insurer. At Paragon Independent Insurance Agency, we recommend you do a vehicle valuation before purchasing auto insurance to reduce the chances of committing this fraud.

4. Misrepresentation/Ommission

This auto insurance fraud involves the policyholder stating that they reside in areas with cheaper rates or not including all the drivers under the policy. Additionally, the policyholder can opt not to provide all the pertinent information on their auto insurance policies to make the rates cheaper.

Purchasing auto insurance from a highly respected insurer is the first step to protecting yourself from falling victim to auto insurance fraud. Paragon Independent Insurance Agency boasts veteran insurance experts who provide Plano, TX residents unbeatable auto insurance assistance. Contact us today.

Tips When Shopping for Auto Insurance in Plano, TX

Whether you are buying car insurance for the first time or a seasoned car owner, you can always learn something about car insurance to ensure you don’t get a raw deal. At Paragon Independent Insurance Agency in Plano, TX, we have years of experience in car insurance, and here are tips you can rely upon before heading to the market:

Understand auto insurance coverages

To get a policy that satisfies your current needs, you need to learn about different coverage options. We are not saying you know all the options, but at least you know about the common ones. Understanding the different coverages ensures you buy only those that you need.

Do your research

Don’t rely on everything you hear — there are several myths surrounding car insurance, and they can easily cloud your judgment when shopping for a policy. Having the correct information helps you make an informed decision.

Make comparisons

Don’t always settle for the first quote you bump into. Compare quotes from several insurance companies. Price shouldn’t be the only decider. Compare the insurance features of different companies. And the good thing is you don’t have to do this all by yourself. Engage an independent insurance agent to give you quotes from various insurers.

Partner with a reputable insurance agent

When purchasing auto insurance, go for an independent and trusted insurance agent. Sometimes, figuring things out by yourself can be challenging, so you need someone to walk with you. A good insurance agent acts as your financial advisor, so don’t settle for one that isn’t up to the task.

Need to learn more about auto insurance in Plano, TX? Please get in touch with Paragon Independent Insurance Agency. We will analyze your insurance needs and recommend a car insurance policy that meets your budget and other needs.

4 Common Risks Not Covered by Standard Home Insurance Policy

The standard home insurance policy from Paragon Independent Insurance Agency covers you against multiple risks, but it has exclusions. It’s always a good idea to familiarize yourself with home insurance exclusions to avoid frustrations when filing a claim. Here are common risks not covered by your basic home insurance policy in Plano, TX.


Floods are ubiquitous in Texas, but home insurance doesn’t cover flooding. However, this doesn’t mean you can’t protect your home against floods. You can purchase stand-alone flood insurance from the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) or private carriers. Flood insurance covers your building structure and its contents when floods strike.


Your basic home insurance policy doesn’t cover earthquakes, landslides, and other earth movements. Like floods, you can protect your home against these risks by purchasing an earthquake insurance add-on.

Sewer backup

If your sewer lines malfunction because of wear and tear, blockage, or any other cause, your home insurance won’t cover the resultant damage from internal flooding. Fortunately, you can purchase a sewer backup add-on to protect your home.

Normal wear and tear

If your home‘s paint has started chipping away, don’t run to your insurer because this isn’t likely to be covered. You should take care of your home to avoid wear and tear.

Pet and mold infestation

You should keep your home free from pests and mold like wear and tear. Otherwise, any damage from these risks isn’t likely to be covered by home insurance. Luckily, keeping your home dry and using an exterminator can help keep pests and mold away from your home.

Not sure what’s covered and not covered by your home insurance policy? Always refer to your policy document. And if still not sure, please get in touch with Paragon Independent Insurance Agency in Plano, TX for clarification.

Does Home Insurance Cover Flooding?

Flood insurance provides a financial backstop should flooding damage your property. You can purchase it as an add-on or a standalone policy. The insurance also covers the cost of hiring a contractor to remove water from your home. You will want to consider your home’s value, the extent of the damage, the coverage you desire, and the agent you choose to work with. 

How Does Flood Insurance Work?

Flood insurance is insurance coverage that protects people and property from floods. While most homeowners do not need flood insurance, people who live in areas prone to flooding are encouraged to purchase it. Homeowners who choose to buy flood insurance will likely have it apply to the property rather than the coverage within their policy. 

When Is Flood Insurance Necessary?

As with most homeowner’s insurance questions, the answer to this question depends on your situation. For many people, the decision to purchase flood insurance is related to paying for it in the future. While this is not the case for everyone, it is something to consider if you decide to buy flood insurance. If you choose to buy the insurance, you will likely want to know the approximate cost of protection and if that coverage would cover your house. 

Buying Flood Insurance 

Many people are surprised to learn that flood insurance is a regulated business. You can purchase flood insurance from multiple sources, including private insurers, state agencies, and local governments. It is important to remember that even with flood insurance, you are still responsible for paying for any damage caused by the flood. 

How to Access and Use Your Home Insurance Policy

Once you’ve purchased your home insurance, it’s time to access and use your policy. First, you’ll need to subscribe to a homeowners insurance plan. Next, you’ll need to visit a broker or go to a local insurance agency to purchase a policy. Once you have the policy, you’ll need to go through the access process to ensure the policy is correct and all the needed information is present. 

Wrapping Up 

Home insurance is a crucial part of every home’s protection system. Some home insurance policies provide an enhanced value option that will provide additional protection for your home against certain types of damages. While flooding is not an everyday occurrence, it does happen. If you are responsible for building and maintaining your home, it is essential to have a plan to protect it against flooding. For help, call Paragon Independent Insurance Agency in Plano, TX.

What Types Of Risks Does Commercial Insurance Cover?

Commercial insurance protects an insured company against losses when it comes to claims made by the insured company’s customers. The type of risk covered can range from liability to unpaid medical bills. Before purchases, you should determine whether an insurance policy covers your business. 

Commercial Liability Insurance 

Liability coverage helps protect you and your business against the financial losses associated with covered claims. Unlike other forms of insurance, liability coverage is not intended to provide a financial cushion against claims. It covers you against any potential lawsuits brought against you by your clients or customers. This includes anything from personal injury to property damage. For help, contact Paragon Independent Insurance Agency. 

Business Critical Illness Insurance 

When one of your employees contracts a serious illness, you might be worried about what will happen to your company if your employee needs to leave work early or cannot work. In these cases, you may consider adding "critical illness" or "serious illness" insurance to your health plan. It can also help you avoid the costs of an employee’s disability. 

Business Owners Insurance 

When starting a business, you may not have the financial stability of having a long-term, stable company. An insurance policy provides financial protection in a business’s financial loss. An asset protection plan can help reduce the risk of theft or fire while still protecting against an illness or an event that causes you to lose your job. A liability protection plan can help protect you against lawsuits, expenses, and other types of risk.

If you run a small shop, you likely have less risk than somebody who runs a multi-billion-dollar company. However, it’s still essential to have protection. Whether you’re doing business with a single customer or have thousands of customers across the globe, having insurance covering your assets and liabilities can make a huge difference. 

Summing up 

Commercial insurance provides cover against the cost of claims and covers your business against unforeseen expenses. You may want to consider increasing commercial insurance cover if you have a large liability risk or many employees. You should consider the likely cost of a claim and the amount of risk a business may face. Always shop for the best deal with help from Paragon Independent Insurance Agency in Plano, TX.

How often should you replace your roof?

Plano, TX area residents can turn to Paragon Independent Insurance Agency when they have any insurance-related questions. When it comes to being a responsible homeowner, taking care of your roof is job one! If you have any questions about how often you should replace your roof for your insurance, call us today.

Get the answers to your questions today!

Answering your insurance questions can almost always feel like an "it depends" scenario. There isn’t often a proper answer to general questions with all of the different available insurance policies. Fortunately, the answers to most insurance-related questions are within the policy itself.

It used to be that a roof needed to be replaced between 10 and 20 years unless it was damaged. Now, with the modern materials used for roofing, it is not unusual for a roof to last as long as the homeowner lives! This is especially true for anyone who has opted for a metal or tile roof.

One rule of thumb to go by is the manufacturer’s warranty. Or, if you want to make sure that you are protected when it comes to the expense and liability of replacing an old roof, you can go by the timeframe outlined in your homeowner’s policy. Using this schedule should ensure that you will have the protection you need if anything should go wrong with your home’s roof. 

We are here to help you with all of your insurance needs!

If you are a resident in the greater Plano, TX area, it’s time to get to know the team at Paragon Independent Insurance Agency. We are here to answer all of your insurance-related questions. Give us a call or stop by today!



  • Allstate
  • ASI
  • charity first
  • Chubb
  • Dairyland
  • Encompass
  • Foremost
  • Geico
  • Hagerty
  • Kemper
  • liberty mutual
  • national general
  • Philadelphia
  • Progressive
  • Safeco
  • Texas Mutual
  • TWIA-Texas Windstorn
  • the hartford
  • Travelers
  • US Assure

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