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Paragon Independent Insurance Agencies, Inc

6305 Preston Road #1000
Plano, TX 75024

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How much liability coverage is enough when it comes to auto insurance?

Plano, TX area residents can count on Paragon Independent Insurance Agency for their auto insurance needs. If it’s time for you to upgrade your current policy or you are in the process of acquiring a new vehicle, we can help. Our staff is here to answer all of your questions and help you get the protection you need.

Make sure you have the liability protection you need

Some people say that there is never enough when it comes to liability protection! If you want to protect your personal assets, giving your auto policy a yearly review makes sense. If you are involved in an accident that causes property loss or damage or results in serious medical injury, you do not want to be financially responsible for any liability.

With a robust amount of liability coverage, you can protect yourself from financial obligation if you are found responsible for damages. This coverage will help to defray any costs associated with a covered event, including lawsuits or other financial settlements. While every auto policy can be different, having comprehensive liability protection can protect you from several different types of loss.

Your local insurance agent can help you calculate the appropriate amount of liability protection for you and your family. Don’t let one bad accident wipe out your many years of hard work. Choosing a policy that provides the liability coverage you need can help protect your future. 

Give us a call today!

Paragon Independent Insurance Agency is here to help the greater Plano, TX area with all of its insurance needs. If you want to learn more about liability coverage and how it can help protect you, give us a call or come by our office today.

What to do if your car breaks down

If you live in the greater Plano, TX area, you can rely on the team here at Paragon Independent Insurance Agency. Having the right auto insurance can help you get through any mishaps or accidents with a little less stress. Count on us for all of your insurance needs.

Your car has broken down on the side of the road, now what?

There’s nothing worse than having car problems, especially when they happen when you are out on the road. The most important thing to remember if you have a breakdown is to get to safety! Your safety comes first.

  • If at all possible, move yourself and your vehicle out of the road and relocate to as safe a spot as possible. 
  • Once you are out of harm’s way, call for help. Your auto policy may even provide roadside assistance as part of your policy.
  • Utilize any emergency equipment that you may keep in your car. Flares or other indicators can help other motorists avoid your car and help to keep you safer.
  • Sit tight and wait for help to arrive. Don’t try to walk across a busy road or highway seeking help. Once you have notified your roadside assistance provider of your location and needs, just remain in your car or another safe spot.

No one wants to deal with auto problems. And while they may be frustrating, if you experience a similar situation, it’s important to always put your safety and wellbeing first. 

Call or stop by today!

Plano, TX area residents count on Paragon Independent Insurance Agency for all of their insurance needs. If you would like to learn more about the auto insurance policy options that are available in our area, call or stop by our office today.

Protect your small business with a comprehensive commercial policy

Paragon Independent Insurance Agency is proud to work with the small business owners in the greater Plano, TX area. We strive to help our commercial clients secure the right insurance to meet their needs. If you want to make sure that your small business has the protection it needs, give us a call today.

Benefits of comprehensive commercial insurance for small businesses

Small businesses have different insurance needs and requirements than their corporate counterparts. If you own a small business, you know just how hard it can be to keep profit levels growing. When a catastrophe occurs that knocks your business offline, even for a short period of time, the effects can be disastrous. 

However, when you have a comprehensive commercial insurance plan in place, it becomes easier to bounce back from any disruption, no matter how large or small. Everyone understands how much hard work and dedication it takes to keep a small business afloat. To have a small business succeed and prosper is even more of a challenge.

Because all businesses need to grow to survive, it is even more important to protect all of your hard work. While the future may not always turn out as expected or hoped, planning for some eventualities can make the difference between continuing on and having to close up shop. Make sure that you have the comprehensive commercial insurance that you need!

Find out more about your commercial insurance options today!

Plano, TX area small business owners can count on Paragon Independent Insurance Agency as their commercial insurance partner. We are proud to work with our local small businesses and provide them with the insurance protection they need. If you would like to find out more, give our office a call today!

Required Commercial Insurance in Texas

If you own a business in Texas, it’s always best to have the commercial insurance you need to protect your business against a number of risks. For most businesses, there is just one type of required commercial insurance in Texas, but there are many more that you should consider in order to be better protected. If you need commercial insurance, contact us today at Paragon Independent Insurance Agency in Plano, TX to find out more. 

Commercial Auto Coverage

This type of insurance is required for all vehicles that are owned by a business in Texas. This coverage provides two different types of coverage and three amounts of that coverage. One is for a specific minimum amount for bodily injury liability when one person is injured in an accident caused by your vehicle. Another is a set minimum amount for everyone who is injured in such an accident. Both of these coverage amounts are for injuries to third parties- not to anyone in your company’s vehicle. In addition, it is also required to have a specific minimum amount of property damage liability. This pays for damages to someone else’s property, such as to a vehicle, in an accident caused by your vehicle. 

Workers’ Compensation 

This type of commercial insurance is only required for businesses that have contracts with government entities, but not for other companies. However, it’s smart to get this type of coverage for your business. It protects you in case you have an employee who becomes injured at the worksite. It pays for their medical bills and other expenses that stem from the injury. Without this coverage, you are likely to be sued by an injured employee. 

Get Your Commercial Insurance

If your business needs commercial insurance, give us a call now at Paragon Independent Insurance Agency in Plano, TX.

How Home Insurance Works

When you are a homeowner, it’s always important to have a home insurance policy in place. These are generally required by mortgage lenders, but even when they aren’t, it’s a good idea to have one on your home. It protects you against a wide range of calamities, disasters and accidents. If you don’t have the home insurance you need, give us a call at Paragon Independent Insurance Agency in Plano, TX.

Protection for the House

The house itself needs to be protected, as it is likely your largest investment. If something serious were to happen to it, it can be prohibitively expensive to try to repair it with your own funds. Homes can sustain damage in a wide range of incidents, and your home insurance is there to pay for damage that is done by a covered incident. Your policy can even pay to rebuild your house if that becomes necessary. 

Protection for Your Possessions

Your possessions in your home are also expensive, especially when you add up the value of all of it. If a serious incident did occur and damaged or destroyed your belongings, it may be impossible to pay for everything to be repaired and replaced if you had to pay for it all yourself. That’s why having home insurance is so critical. It can pay for all of those items so that you don’t have to start over with nothing. This coverage can become necessary because of a wide range of accidents, disasters and other incidents. 

Get Your Home Protected

There are several ways that a home insurance policy protects you and your home, and all of them are important to have to protect your financial future. If you own a home and need to get a home insurance policy for it, call us at Paragon Independent Insurance Agency in Plano, TX.

What type of auto insurance is required to legally drive in Texas?

People who wish to drive in the state of Texas are required to carry insurance. As with most states, all drivers are required to carry a minimum level of insurance that meets the Texas state minimum requirement. Plano, TX residents can entrust their insurance needs to Paragon Independent Insurance Agency. Our agents understand what’s required to drive in Texas. Liability insurance provides protection for all Texans who navigate the roads and freeways of Texas. 

Texas State Minimums

All Texas drivers are required to carry liability insurance. They must carry $30K in bodily injury insurance per person and $60K in bodily injury coverage per accident. Texas drivers are also required $25K in property damage coverage per accident. All Texas drivers are required to maintain liability insurance that meets at least these minimums. This liability insurance is also called  30/60/25 coverage. However, drivers can carry liability insurance at higher levels if they choose. One of our agents can help you to determine the best coverage levels for your specific situation. However, the above-listed minimum requirements must be met by all drivers. However, we encourage Texas drivers to ask questions if they are unclear about any of the insurance requirements that must be met to drive in Texas. 

Other Considerations

Texas drivers can also choose to carry uninsured motorist coverage and underinsured motorist coverage. However, it’s not required. Texas motorists can also carry collision and/or comprehensive coverage as well. Our team at Paragon Independent Insurance Agency can answer any questions that our Plano, TX customers have about what’s required to legally drive in Texas. Please give us a call. One of our licensed and experienced insurance agents is standing by to answer your questions. 

Commercial Insurance Requirements in Texas

In Texas, there are few requirements for commercial insurance on Texas businesses. However, there are many types of commercial insurance that could be helpful for your business, even if they aren’t required. If you have questions about commercial insurance in Texas, give us a call today at Paragon Independent Insurance Agency in Plano, TX. 

Commercial Auto Insurance

The one required type of commercial insurance in the state is commercial auto coverage for any car that your business owns. This coverage has to meet the state standards, having two different types of auto coverage in one policy. In addition to those, there are many optional types of auto coverage that are often recommended for vehicles in the state. These can be extremely helpful in the event of an accident.

The required portion of your commercial auto policy must include bodily injury liability insurance to cover other parties who are injured when your vehicle causes an accident. This requires at least one set amount for one person who is injured and another minimum amount for everyone who has injuries from the accident. It is also required that you have property damage liability. This pays for the damage to someone else’s property in the accident but not yours. If you want to have your vehicle covered in case it causes an accident, you need collision coverage, though this type isn’t required. 

Workers’ Comp

Workers’ compensation is required for businesses in most states, but in Texas, it is only required when you contract with the government. Otherwise, it is highly encouraged but not required. Workers’ compensation insurance pays for the medical bills and lost wages for your employees who get injured at work.

Commercial Insurance in Texas

If you need insurance for your business, contact us at Paragon Independent Insurance Agency in Plano, TX.

Home Insurance Explained

Your home is one of the most important things you will ever own, and, with that, one of the most expensive assets you have to protect. For that reason, you should regularly review your current home insurance to make sure you are still happy with the policies and coverage. 

If you want to review home insurance right away or you are a first-time homeowner, Paragon Independent Insurance Agency in Plano, TX is here to help. 

What home insurance can cover

Home insurance policies can vary, but we list some options below that you should want to consider in terms of home insurance:

A type of liability insurance

Liability insurance is important, even if you are a renter. Liability insurance covers you in the case that you or someone in your household harms someone who steps inside your home, even in the case of an accident or if your pet is the one who harms someone. This also counts if they damage a valuable item they bring into your home, depending on the situation. 

Disaster coverage

If you live in an area at risk of fires, storms, or flooding (or even worse, all three), make sure you check that your home insurance covers any damage done to your property. This damage can cause significant financial hardship and should be included in your policy where required. 

If you want to take a look at your home insurance options as soon as possible, give our agents at Paragon Independent Insurance Agency in Plano TX a call. You can also ask for a quote via our website and we can contact you after to discuss these quotes further. 

7 Terms You Should Know When You’re About to Get Auto Insurance

Your auto insurance has many terms that you may have heard before but are uncertain what they mean. It is important to be able to know what is in your insurance policy to get the most from it.

The agents at Paragon Independent Insurance Agency of the Plano, TX area are ready to help you make sense of your auto insurance coverage.

Key Auto Insurance Terms

Here are some key auto insurance terms often used.

  • Bodily Injury Liability Coverage – When you are legally at fault for injuring other drivers and pedestrians, this part of an auto insurance policy covers you. Medical expenses and legal costs if you are sued are part of this type of insurance. 
  • Actual Cash Value – When an item is damaged or stolen, the amount paid in a claim is the actual cash value at the time of the incident. 
  • Collision Coverage – This type of insurance pays for damages to your vehicle caused by impacting a stationary object or another vehicle. 
  • Comprehensive Coverage – Fire, hail damage, windstorms and other damages fall under comprehensive coverage.
  • Deductible – This is the amount you as an insured party must pay out of pocket before an insurance company will pay on a claim.
  • Extended Coverage – Certain risks not covered under a basic policy can be included with an added endorsement.
  • Fair Market Value – A reasonable agreed to value of a vehicle or item between buyers and sellers based on current market prices.

Professional Auto Insurance in Texas

Contact us at Paragon Independent Insurance Agency of Plano, TX to find out how we can help you get quality auto insurance at affordable pricing. One of our agents is ready to speak with you today.

Who Should Get Commercial Insurance?

If you live in Plano, TX area, becoming a business owner is a great career path. Starting your own business will help you to achieve your financial freedom and contribute to the local economy of the state.  However, regardless of the type of business you decide to start, it is important to have proper protection with the help of commercial insurance. Paragon Independent Insurance Agency prepared a list of those, who will benefit from commercial insurance: 

Business Owners Purchasing Expensive Assets

If you are planning to purchase important and expensive assets for your business, you definitely need commercial insurance. For example, if you are buying equipment to operate your business, you need to make sure that it will be repaired or replaced if it is stolen or broken. This is one of the main reasons why business owners decide to get business insurance. 

Business Owners Who Want to Protect Their Financial Future

Another reason why entrepreneurs purchase commercial insurance is the protection of the future of their company. If you decide to purchase a commercial insurance policy, it will help you protect your business assets and mitigate liability claim risk. Moreover, it also helps keep your business solvent if something happens and you incur a loss. 

Business Owners Who Hire Employees

One of the main purposes of commercial insurance is to protect employees who you hire. This type of coverage is called workers’ compensation. Even though it is not obligatory in the state of Texas, it is still recommended to get it as it provides financial compensation to employees if they get injured on the job. 

Paragon Independent Insurance Agency  – Your Insurance Agency For Protection of Your Business

If you decide to run a business in Plano, TX or any other nearby town, you should consider buying commercial insurance. Paragon Independent Insurance Agency is ready to help with that – our experienced and knowledgeable insurance agents will help you find the perfect policy addressing your personal commercial needs. Feel free to visit our website or give us a call – we are always here for you. 



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