Many people benefit from getting an auto insurance review, which is an easy way to make sure their insurance is adequate. It is important to inform your agent at Paragon Independent Insurance Agency, serving Plano, TX and the surrounding area, if certain things occur, so that the proper adjustments may be made to your auto insurance policy.
Auto Insurance Review Checklist
Here is a quick checklist of some things that warrant a review and may require auto insurance adjustments:
- Moving to a new place.
- Changing how a vehicle is parked (in a garage vs. outdoor, in the driveway, or on the street).
- Changes in authorized drivers, such as a teenager in the family starting to drive.
- Custom work is done on the vehicle that increases the value.
- A trailer hitch is added to the bumper to pull a trailer (get trailer insurance coverage also).
- Getting a new paint job.
- Adding expensive chrome wheels.
- Installing a car stereo and speakers.
- Adding a car alarm and/or an anti-theft device.
- Using a vehicle for a new purpose, such as a carpool, ride-sharing, or delivery services.
- Driving more than the mileage driven the year before.
- Changing commute time and distance, due to a change in employment.
- Letting another person use the car for more than occasional casual use.
- Change of the lien holder for the auto loan.
- Getting married.
- Selling the vehicle.
- The vehicle is taken out of service temporarily or permanently. For example, going on a military tour overseas and leaving a vehicle behind in storage.
This checklist includes some of the most common things that happen, which usually create the need for auto insurance adjustments. It is wise to have an annual auto insurance review by talking with your agent. Additionally, make adjustments on a regular basis for the value of the vehicle and how it is being driven, parked, and used.
Contact your agent at Paragon Independent Insurance Agency in Plano, TX by email or by using the convenient online form to get a quote for auto insurance.